My Garden

Friday, May 26, 2023

Cherry Blossom Trees In Japanese Garden

Recently I visited a Japanese garden where sakura - cherry trees were blooming. It was an unforgettable sight. Many people also enjoyed the beautiful trees in the Helsinki Japanese Garden.
I learned a lot about the flowering of cherry trees.
There are hundreds of species, varieties and hybrids of flowering cherry trees. The number of petals, the color of flowers and leaves of cherries distinguish the trees. Some bloom in early spring, others late.


Some sakuras bloom early with medium pink petals, while others open in late spring with deep pink flowers. There are trees with spreading branches covered with white flowers. Pink and white weeping cherry trees combine an elegant weeping form with flowers on the branches. 


I took a lot of pictures of cherry trees and a rock garden nearby. I really liked the rock garden for its conciseness and surprising and non-random arrangement of stones of various shapes. 


Some stones were laid on the sand, others were covered with green moss, and there were also stones located on the banks of the pond. Looking at the rock garden, I thought that the rocks wanted to tell me something.

Wooden bridges across streams in a Japanese garden should be indirect, consisting of different parts.

It is believed that this way evil spirits will not be able to follow you into the house.

I spent a great time walking in the garden.
Have you been to a Japanese garden? What was your impression?



  1. Beautiful cherryflowers, Nadezda. They look fantastic, and great photos. No, I have never been in a Japanese garden. I love Japanese maples, and I have plantet many of them in my garden.

  2. Se ve precioso Nadezda. Yo tampoco he estado en un jardín japonés y me encantaría verlos. Un abrazo.

    1. Sí, es maravilloso ver estos jardines, Teresa.

  3. Japanese gardens are found throughout the world, such is their beauty. Amazing, isn't it?

    1. Yes, it is David. Sure you have seen many of Japanese gardens.

  4. So gorgeous!

    I have not been. I have a friend who lives in Japan and gets to see real pink petals like these everywhere! 😃 What a blessing that is!

    1. Sandy, I hope you go to this garden someday with your friend.

  5. Aivan upeaa kirsikkapuiden kukintaa.
    Taisimme mieheni kanssa viimeksi vierailla Prahan japanilaisessa puutarhassa.

    1. I have not seen Japanese garden in Prague, Anemone. You're lucky.

  6. Boa tarde e bom início de semana. Obrigado pela visita e carinho.
    Gostaria de conhecer esse jardim maravilhoso, minha amiga Nadezda.
    Luiz Gomes

    1. Si, Luiz, este jardin es maravilloso. Te deseo lo mejor.

  7. Precioso paseo por los cerezos Nadezda. No he estado nunca en un jardín japonés amiga. Si en el valle del Jerte muchas veces en Extremadura, cuando el valle está blanco con las y cuando se pone rojo con las cerezas.

    Si es cierto se comen los higos y son muy dulces. Busca en Google higos chumbos y los ves.
    Buena noche .
    Un abrazo.

    1. Laura, recuerdo tu post sobre los cerezos en flor, las fotos son geniales. Voy a leer sobre higos chumbos. Gracias.

  8. Cherry trees are beautiful. It's just a pity that the blossom is so short lived.

    1. Yes, they're, Sue. The blossom is short and amazing.

  9. Hola, Nadezda. Nunca visité un jardín japones, pero en cuanto a los cerezos aquí en España tenemos la suerte de disfrutar de la belleza de los mismo en el valle del Jerte, en la región extremeña; y otro en la Sierra Magina, aquí en Andalucía, y ambos dan una cerezas de gran calidad y muy apreciadas por todo el mundo. Y como tu bien dices son todo un espectáculo verlos en flor.
    En cuanto al jardín de rocas, no sabía que existían ese tipo de jardines, que por cierto me ha sorprendido gratamente, por su originalidad.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Me alegro, Maniel, de que te interese el jardín de rocas. Este es un paisaje japonés muy famoso donde todas las piedras están en un lugar determinado, no por casualidad. Vi las fotos de los cerezos en flor en España, muy bonitas.

  10. Прекрасный сад. Как раз вчера мы попали в такой маленький японский уголок. Надо будет опубликовать фотографии.
    Спасибо большое, Надежда. Как всегда, получила столько удовольствия.

    1. Пожалуйста, Лола. Интересно посмотреть на японский сад где вы побывали.

    2. Надежда, он совсем крошечный. Спасибо, что напомнили. Снимки у меня в телефоне.

    3. Несколько фото покажите!

  11. Hi Nadezda,
    How fantastic are the sakura blossoms. I had the pleasure of seeing them when I visited Japan.
    Wonderful photos. Japanese gardens are always peaceful, harmonious and beautiful spaces.
    Have a nice week

    1. I'm glad, Maria you have seen Japanese garden in Japan. Sure it was unforgettable.


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