Well, just a warm enough week for my garden to bloom. The temperature during the day was +26..+ 21 C and the night temps are already +13 C. Of course plants and people love this weather.
We have a late spring so last week all the plants suddenly started making up for lost time.
Daffodils, tulips, hyacinths, daisies, dicentra, delphinium, mahonia, anemones ... Almost all bulb and perennial plants started growing. The spireas, blackthorns are covered with white flowers.
The day is getting considerably longer than it was in April. The sun rises at 4 am and sets at half past nine in the evening. So there is a lot to be done in the garden in such a long day! I plan to transplant shrubs - Potentilla, Spirea, Roses, Physocarpus to a sunnier place.
Finally, I had some free time and went to the garden center. It is located not far from my house. Of course, I liked everything here and would buy many things. On the shelves a lot of flower seedlings such as viola, tagetes, carnation, dahlias were displayed. There were also many conifers, berry bushes, fruit trees. In addition, there were sacks of garden soil and fertilizers.
But I had to restrict my appetite and I bought Clematis Mountain and New Guinea Impatience. Flowers and vegetables were waiting for me in the greenhouse, and I hurried to take care of them. How are you doing in May?