Hello, summer is here, all plants are in their best form, blooming and growing, and the first harvest will be soon. Today I want to tell you and show what I do and what blooms in the garden.
We have frequent thunderstorms, it is warm, sometimes even hot, but after a thunderstorm the temperature drops and becomes cool.
Delphiniums bloom in raised flower beds and near the pond. Surprisingly, I have been trying to grow this flower from seeds for so many years, but without success. Once, when I had already lost hope of having it in my garden, a gardener friend gave me a delphinium stem with fresh seed pods.
I wrapped the Delphinium stem with fresh seed in newspaper and put it in the greenhouse to dry.
In September, I opened the package and saw that large quantities of dry seeds were poured into the paper. I divided them into 2 parts, then sowed one part of seeds in a pot and left to winter in the greenhouse. I packed the other part of Delphinium seeds in paper, signed and took them to the city.
To my surprise, the delphinium seeds sown in a pot and left for the winter in the greenhouse sprouted perfectly in the spring and I transplanted them into a flower bed.
In May I sowed the seeds brought from the city directly into the soil and they all sprouted. Now I have perennial delphiniums growing in different parts of the garden. It's also amazing that they are different colors!
Maybe some of you know why this happened?
Vegetables are growing well in the greenhouse. I planted tomatoes and peppers in a raised bed to make it easier to care for them. Tomatoes should be inspected frequently, remove growths, shorten long leaves, and when the fruits become heavy, they should be tied up.