Tuesday, April 27, 2021

A Walk Along the Shores of the Gulf of Finland

I love walking along the shores of the Gulf of Finland in early spring days. The Gulf of Finland is part of the Baltic Sea. Russia, Estonia and Finland are located on its shores. The bay near St. Petersburg is shallow, but navigable all year round.
It was sunny and windy April day. The fine beach sand was still partially covered with ice and debris. In the spring and summer, it is constantly cleaned, especially after heavy winter winds.
The shore of the Gulf

In the 18th century, man-made islands were created to protect the young capital of the Russian Empire. On the island of Kotlin, the city of Kronstadt was founded, which served as a sea fortress on the outskirts of St. Petersburg. Several rivers flow into the bay, the largest are the Neva, Sestra, Narva and Porvoo. 

The river Sestra 

A coast willow

Pines on the dunes 

There are many sloping sand dunes stretching for several kilometers. I rose to dune, there was a beautiful pure pine forest behind it. The air was clear, slightly salty, pleasant.
Along the coast, at a short distance, there are private estates, as well as boarding houses, sanatoriums. I walked deep into the coast, paths for walking were laid in the pine-deciduous forest.
What fresh air!

Then I returned to dunes. The weather was good, a lot of sun and fewer clouds. I spent a good time and did not want to go home, to a big city.



Friday, April 16, 2021

Mid-April in the Garden

Leucojum vernum

This year we have a late spring, that is, March was warmer than April is. In mid-April for several days, the temperature rose to +15 C. Hooray, I can take some photos of spring flowers.
All plants rejoice in the unexpected warmth, the buds of spring flowers open hour after hour. 


climbing rose



I came to check how plant cuttings live in a greenhouse. Since the fall, I have planted several cuttings of climbing rose and red currant in a greenhouse. They overwintered well and I transplanted cuttings into separate pots. While I was busy with the plants in the greenhouse, the Crocuses, Leucojum and Chionodoxa started to open their buds.
I plan to come to the garden in 3-4 days and see what other spring flowers have blossomed in the garden.  

Monday, April 5, 2021

Seedlings Are Growing

Time is running out and my little sprouts are turning into small plants. They are already growing in their individual disposable cups, which are much larger than prior ones. I made holes in these containers to drain the water. 

I also bought more soil and some fertilizers then I made the soil mixture  to transfer 'babies'. That went well, none of them died.  

Now every day seedlings need to be watered, sprayed and turned the other way towards the light. After 6 pm I turn on the lamps for additional illumination. 

I also sowed Nasturtium (Tropaeolum), Asters (Callistephus) and a mixture of perennial flowers. For them, I chose plastic containers in which vegetables are sold in the store. Of course I made holes in these containers to drain the water the same way.

Impatiens, Begonia semperflorens and Clivia bloom constantly inside. They delight with their flowers while spring has not yet woken up here.