Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Delphinium & Veggies

Hello, summer is here, all plants are in their best form, blooming and growing, and the first harvest will be soon. Today I want to tell you and show what I do and what blooms in the garden.

We have frequent thunderstorms, it is warm, sometimes even hot, but after a thunderstorm the temperature drops and becomes cool. 

Delphiniums bloom in raised flower beds and near the pond. Surprisingly, I have been trying to grow this flower from seeds for so many years, but without success. Once, when I had already lost hope of having it in my garden, a gardener friend gave me a delphinium stem with fresh seed pods.

I wrapped the Delphinium stem with fresh seed in newspaper and put it in the greenhouse to dry. 

In September, I opened the package and saw that large quantities of dry seeds were poured into the paper. I divided them into 2 parts, then sowed one part of seeds in a pot and left to winter in the greenhouse.  I packed the other part of Delphinium seeds in paper, signed and took them to the city.


To my surprise, the delphinium seeds sown in a pot and left for the winter in the greenhouse sprouted perfectly in the spring and I transplanted them into a flower bed. 

In May I sowed the seeds brought from the city directly into the soil and they all sprouted. Now I have perennial delphiniums growing in different parts of the garden. It's also amazing that they are different colors!


Maybe some of you know why this happened?

Vegetables are growing well in the greenhouse. I planted tomatoes and peppers in a raised bed to make it easier to care for them. Tomatoes should be inspected frequently, remove growths, shorten long leaves, and when the fruits become heavy, they should be tied up.


Cucumbers also need to be twisted around the rope so that they grow up, to water a lot and often, collect ready cucumbers so that they do not retard the growth of the rest. I make pickles in jars and just love fresh cucumbers for breakfast and with lettuce and sour cream.


'red giant'

I wish you warm weather, rains, successful gardening. Hugs!


  1. Liebe Nadezda,

    das Du den Rittersporn aus dem Samen ziehen konntest, ist ja genial. Ich denke es ist ganz normal, dass er verschiedene Farben bekommt, das kenne ich von anderen Pflanzen auch. Zumindest schaut jedes Blau himmlisch aus, ich mag ihn sehr.

    Und Dein Gemüse schaut super aus, viel Freude beim Ernten wünsche ich Dir.

    Wir haben hier in Hessen viele heiße Tage und leider zu wenig Regen, aber immerhin ist es jetzt etwas abgekühlt.

    Eine schöne Gartenzeit
    wünscht Dir

    1. I am glad, Anke, that now I have many delphiniums of different colors. Vegetables make me happy when I pick them and eat them.

  2. Hola Nadezda. Hace años tuve espuelas de caballero, pero no progresaron y desaparecieron, estupenda información. La verdura está estupenda y se ve sabrosa. Preciosas fotos. Besos

    1. Lola, tuve el mismo problema con Delphinium. Las semillas se han ido y nada. Gracias, me gusta que la información te sea útil.

  3. I had the same problem here, Nadezda. Delphiniums will not grow in my garden. I buy them, but they will not come back the next year. You was lucky who got fresh seeds. Your vegetables are looking great.

    1. I made sure, Marit, that only fresh delphinium seeds germinate well next year. Perhaps you have neighbors who could give you this year's seeds.

  4. I like tomatoes but my wife is crazy for them. She would love the ones you show here. They look so wonderfully juicy.

    1. I approve of Miriam's taste, David. The most delicious juicy tomatoes are the ones that have grown in the garden with own labor.

  5. Hallo Nadezda,
    in meinem Garten blühen viele Rittersporn. Von Blau bis Lila in allen Farbstufen. Sogar die Blätter sind unterschiedlich geformt. Alle Pflanzen stammen von derselben Mutter ab. Ich lasse den Samen einfach an der Pflanze bis er auf die Erde fällt. Im nächsten Frühjahr keimen immer genug Jungpflanzen. Alle anderen Versuche im Topf oder in einer Saatschale haben nicht funktioniert.
    Deine Rittersporne sind wunderschön. Ich liebe das Blau.
    Liebe Grüße

    1. I also realized that only fresh delphinium seeds sprout, Anette. I don't have purple one.
      All the best.

  6. Fotos maravilhosas minha querida amiga Nadezda. Bom final de semana.

  7. Надежда, какая роскошь. У нас помидоры и огурцы тоже растут только в теплицах. Не стала я с ними заморачиваться, хотя порой мечтаю. Мы же снимаем дом. Не хочется вкладываться в него основательно. Тем более, Дидье не любит это. Теплиуц ещё можно купить и устанвить. Но сразу проблема. Надо найти плодородную землю. Здесь она вся каменистая. Ну и поливать дорого....Словом, плюнула я на это дело. Соседи нет-нет да и угощают своими овощами. А я им из части этих овощей делаю консервы. Сами они почему-то не обрабатывают свою продукцию. И даже в сезон её особо не едят.

    1. Лола, в этом году помидоры, огурцы и перцы на редкость хорошо растут, невзирая на холодные ночи. Сегодня ночью было +10С всего. Мои соседи тоже с удовольствием принимают мои овощи :-). Конечно, теплица - это проблема и труд. У меня овощи там растут в высоких грядах, вся почва завезена и удобрена. Я теперь замораживаю то, что съесть не успеваем, зато зимой так приятно использовать свои фрукты и овощи.

  8. Hi Nadezda,
    Delphiniums are such beautiful and elegant flowers, I love seeing them in gardens.
    Your vegetables are fantastic.
    I would like to have a garden like that, where I could grow, especially flowers that I love.
    My friend, thank you for your concern regarding the poem I published. Yes everything is OK with me, I found the poem beautiful although it was a little sad, but life is still like that, not everything is joys.
    Have a happy and joyful weekend.
    A big hug wrapped in gentle breezes, full of peace and harmony.

    1. I'm glad Maria that you're OK. This poem reflects sorrows that may be in our lives. Perhaps you will have a garden full of flowers you love.

  9. Kauniit ritarinkannukset ja herkullista satoa.

  10. Las espuelas de caballero, se reproducen solas en el jardín y me encantan. Tus tomates, pepinos y demás se ven buenísimos, mis tomates este año no están bien. Besos.

    1. Sí, los espuelas de caballero se reproducen muy bien, Teresa. Mis tomates crecen y maduran bien a pesar de que la temperatura baja por la noche.

  11. We have all sorts of colours of self sown aquilegia in our garden. I put it down to cross pollination.

    1. I know this feature, Sue, but my aquilegia is only yellow.

  12. Me alegra la buena cosecha estás teniendo amiga. como lo natural no hay nada.
    También ya estamos cogiendo tomates , lechugas , pimientos y calabacines del huerto.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Felicito con buena cosecha a ti y a Pacjo, Laura. Todo lo mejor!


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