Thursday, January 5, 2023

Book Read in Winter, 'Degas'

Winter is the season when we spend more time indoors to escape the cold winter.  Today I want to tell you about a book 'Degas'.


Edgar Degas (1834 -1917) was born in Paris, France to a moderately wealthy family and began to paint early. At 18, he turned a room in his house into an artist's studio. Upon graduation, he registered as a copyist at the Louvre museum.

In the 19th century, artists noticed that they saw nature in different ways, depending on time, lighting and weather, it was constantly changing. Observation of color led to the rejection of black, to the desire to paint with pure colors. The new method opened up a whole world that had previously escaped the attention of artists.

But in 1874 an art exhibition of paintings by young artists caused a scandal. There were several works by the young Edgar Degas there. The pictures seemed unusual, absurd. The artists got the nickname "Impressionists", which sounded like a swear word.

Degas met with a group of young artists in a Parisian cafe. He was interested in the transmission of light. They argued about art.  Degas was attracted by the scenes of everyday life, he depicted races at the hippodrome, people in cafes, the life of the theater.


Later, Degas stayed away from the Impressionists. The isolation and arrogance of his character created an atmosphere of loneliness, isolation. His private art collection, discovered after his death in 1918, goes on auction at the start of the first world war during the bombardment of Paris.

This book about the work of the French artist I only briefly retell its contents.  Perhaps you know the work of Edgar Degas well.  

Share your opinion about his paintings, thank you.




  1. Thanks for writing about this talented paintings, Nadezda. His works are very beautiful.

  2. Las pinturas me parecen preciosas, alguna conocía pero pocas, me ha encantado saber más de el. Besos.

  3. The art produced in this whole period is very evocative, Nadezda, although I have seen little of it in real life. As you say winter is good to sit inside and enjoy a good book. The poor people of Ukraine have no such opportunity, unfortunately.

    1. The art of the Impressionists was an unusual art for the public of those years. Now we can see many of their works in several museums. David, I've corrected the text.

  4. I always learn so much from your beautiful posts. Happy New Year Nadezda!

  5. Es uno de mis pintores favoritos. Te mando un beso.

    1. A mi me gustan las pinturas de Degas, J.P. Un abrazo.

  6. Hi Nadezda,
    It is certainly an extraordinary book.
    Excellent selection of wonderful paintings by a great painter that I really appreciate.
    Have a great weekend
    Hugs and all the best

    1. Glad you like this artist's works. Maria. Have a happy new month.

  7. Me ha gustado ver su obra. Conocía algo de él y buscaré más en internet. Gracias por compartirlo Nadezda. Mirando detalles veo las planchas y tengo algunas de ellas 😊
    Buen fin de semana.
    Un abrazo.

    1. También me encanta mirar los detalles de sus cuadros, Laura. Degas pintó escenas de la vida cotidiana. Abrazos.

  8. Да, Дега впечатляет! Вообще особо люблю импрессионистов. Спасибо, Надежда. Всё хотела Вас спросить, откуда у вас такой прекрасный английский. Могла бы оставлято комментарии на английском, но всё же легче - на русском. Хотя английский у меня довольно активный. У меня ученица американка. Учит со мной французский. Приходится отталкиваться от английской грамматики. И вокруг много англичан, скорее, шотландцев и ирландцев. По их словам Бретань напоминает им старую Англию их детства. Так и есть. Тот же климат. Языки очень близки. Бретонский - кельтский. Те же легенды и мифы.

    1. Лола, мне тоже нравятся импрессионисты. Впервые еще в юности увидела их произведения в Эрмитаже, потом позже - в других странах. К сожалению не была во Франции, особенно хочу побывать в усадьбе Моне Живерни, увидеть его нимфеи наяву и на картинах. Английский - изучала, переводила, преподавала. Вы вообще полиглот - знаете несколько языков!

    2. Меня разочаровал музей Шагала и Матисса в Нице. Я поняла, что большинство картин, причём самых лучших, рабросано по разным залам. Но Живерни посетить стоит. И сад, и сам дом, и картины в доме.... К сожалению, я там не была. Ндо будет восполнить этот пробел. Если Вы хотите просто отдохнуть во Франции в своём ритме, добро пожаловать к нам. У нас есть свободная комната. А если Вы хотите посмотреть и узнать как можно больше (я,по правде говоря,сейчас на такое уже не сподвигнусь), у меня есть друг - замечательный гид. Тогда программа будет очень насыщенной.

    3. Лола, большое спасибо за ваше искреннее приглашение! Пока загадывать и планировать не буду, не известно что будет дальше. Как только появится возможность и здоровье, то конечно буду путешествовать. Картин Матисса много в Эрмитаже, это были первые полотна (Танец), которые поразили меня в первое знакомство.

  9. Degas is a wonderful artist and it was good to be reminded from your pictures. I love his use of pastels, they are one of my favourite mediums to look at. I'd like to say "favourite to use" also but they fell in the same category as watercolours, which I love to look at too. With both these media, I end up with a rather muddy effect, usually, because I am not decisive and simple enough! There is a very interesting programme on the BBC called "Fake or Fortune" in which members of the public come up with what they consider to be undiscovered works by famous artists. Someone came up with one they thought was by Degas, and it did not seem possible to me that it was his work, as it was lacking most of the qualities I associate with it. If you are interested to see if you agree with the programme, I did see it on Youtube, and you might like to take a look, if you can access it from Russia.

    1. I watched this interesting BBC film about real and fake works by Degas, Jennifer. I believe that the paintings that I saw are genuine. Probably, his paintings about ballet and theater were often forged. I like the pastel technique, but it seems that such works are stored worse. Thank you for your well reasoned comment.

  10. Сейчас, когда я здесь уже больше двадцати лет, вскрываются более глубинные пласты французской культуры, которые меня раньше особо не интересовали. Как-то именно сейчас я наталкиваюсь всё чаще с информацией о масонах, тамплиерха, катарах и пр. Недавно со мной поделились редкой книгой. Andrew Phillip Smith "The Lost Teaching of the Cathars", изданое "Watkins" в 1893 ем году.

    1. Лола, и это прекрасно. У вас есть время и желание узнать глубже культуру страны, где вы живете. Не все это дано.

  11. Degas certainly was a master. I saw several paintings of his in Paris and a couple of years ago there was a sculpture of his at an exhibition in Nashville. But, Nadezda, did you see Degas’ works at the Hermitage in St Petersburg? When I visited it last they had 6 works of his there. I remember After the Bath, and Toilet of a Woman. Let me know if you have seen them there. They have a good collection of Impressionist paintings at the Hermitage.

    1. Dear Vagabonde, of course, I have seen Degas' work in the Hermitage. It was the first time in my 20s. I marveled at these works, especially his "ballet scenes", because I loved (and still love) ballet. I have no doubt that you know the paintings of Degas very well.


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