Friday, June 30, 2023

June Garden, 23

 June is coming to an end, the first month of summer. June 21 was the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. As much as we would like to extend the summer, the days began to decrease little by little. 

I want to show you how my garden developed in June, it's a small "report for the month".  Hot weather began in the middle of the month and the plants started to develop rapidly. For several days the roses bloomed in different parts of the garden.  


Garden geranium, camomile and decorative onions bloom in raised flower beds. 


Purple rhododendron began to bloom near the blue fir - this is the last flowering rhododendron, the rest have already faded. 

You can imagine how much I needed to water the plants on hot days. I'm glad the new pump works great. The old pump burned out last year. I have an irrigation hose, it is long enough to water all the plants.

Tomato plants are growing and already blooming in the greenhouse. Next to them, I planted green vegetables - lettuce, dill, parsley, basil, peas.  


They grow well despite the fact that often the temperature in the greenhouse rises to 30 C. I had to do shade there. This is also a problem. It was cold, then suddenly it gets hot!

I often find myself thinking that these worries are pleasant and distract me. That there will be the time when plants do not need everyday watering and attention, that I can sit with a book or read the Internet. 

How do you spend your time in June?



  1. Beautiful pictures from your garden, Nadezda. Your roses are wonderful and your vegetables look great.

    Our June was also very hot and too dry, last Thursday we had heavy thunderstorms.
    But our tomatoes love this weather, they have a lot of fruits.


    1. Sure tiy will have a lot of delicious tomatoes this summer, Anke. Lucky harvest.

  2. I spent a good deal of my time outdoors in June, Nadezda. For the most part the weather has been quite pleasant - not too hot, which I detest. Your garden looks great - the results of hard work and loving care I am sure.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed my June garden, David. It's hard work, you're right, and besides, we're not getting any younger :)

  3. As you can see from my two recent posts, June here was pretty nice. The blooms are doing well. Enjoyed my visit.

    1. I have seen your garden on your last post, Jack. It's always interesting to see your plants.

  4. Thanks for sharing beautiful flowers.

  5. These are so beautiful!

    I try to have a quiet June. The kids are out of school. The sun is shining. I don't recommend reading the Internet. It's wild out there! Some summers I keep it off entirely.

    1. Sandy, my tomatoes are sick, so I need to read and watch gardening advice online. Sometimes I prefer to listen to a new book read by an actor on the Internet.

  6. Dear Nadezda!
    Your garden is delightful. I am enchanted by your beautiful roses. roses. My tomatoes under the foil were very hot, over 40 °C.
    Have a nice weekend.

    1. Lucja, glad you liked my June garden. Roses make me happy too. They try to bloom in both hot and rainy weather.

  7. Una bellissima crescita e complimenti per le rose, molto sane! Speriamo faccia una bella estate, qui per ora non è caldissimo e non ho ancora mai dovuto innaffiare :D

    Buon proseguimento!

    1. I'm glad the rain is helping you water your garden. Gabrielle. I like the flower arrangements in your garden. Hugs.

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you Anemone. Happy July in your beautiful garden, many blooms.

  9. Hello Nadezda and thank you so much for dropping by ! Yes ! you did a beautiful water colour of my Green Lotus peony, you captured it wonderfully. Your roses look amazing ! the rhododendron is such a pretty colour .. your plants look gorgeous . I understand what you mean about swinging temperatures, May and June have been a bit unnatural here, then add the smoke from the forest fires, it gets scary ! I haven't been able to get in my gardens for ages .. I have a knee injury so gardening and yoga have been neglected. Yes ... the days are shifting with light and dark ... I don't mind the thought of Autumn and I know you need a break from watering .. so thinking of that might keep us going ? LOL
    Take care of yourself and find some time to relax and read something good !

    1. Joy, I'm glad your peony is still making you happy. It is very beautiful. Yes, I know about the fires in Canada, the smoke goes far south, the winds blow.
      I hope your knee gets better, take care of your leg, do not strain it once again. Health!

  10. Your garden looks fantastic, Nadezda. Yed, I guess you must water your plants a lot when it's dry weather. Here we have got very little rain this month.
    Happy weekend!

    1. Marit, it rained heavily last night, all the cisterns are full of water. The plants enjoyed the rain.

  11. Tus rosas se ven lindas y tus otras flores también. Por aquí con tanto calor tengo que regar todos los días. Mis plantas de tomates también están enfermas, pronto se terminaran los tomates. Abrazos.

    1. Es una pena que los tomates se hayan enfermado este año, Teresa. Me parece que la temperatura en el invernadero era muy alta. Gracias por tu comentario.

  12. We've spent time watering, weeding, planting and harvesting throughout June. It's a busy month for the gardener.

    1. Yes, it is Sue. You had a good harvest in June.

  13. Надежда, французы коворят о таких, как Вы "зелёные руки". У нас пару недель было сухо. Пришлось поливать сад. Но во Франции это дорогое удовольствие.

    1. Лола, у нас тоже было сухо. Набрали воды в бочки из водопровода и вода отстоялась. А уже 2 дня как заливает.

  14. Boa tarde de terça-feira. Obrigado pela visita e comentário. Grande abraço carioca minha querida amiga Nadezda.

    Luiz Gomes.

    1. Gracias por tu comentario, Luiz. Un abrazo.

  15. Por Sevilla en estas fechas es difícil mantener las flores tan bonitas y relucientes como estás las tuyas, por mucho que las riegues las temperaturas no bajan de los 40º o 45º C. durante el día, y de noche entre 25 y 30ºC.
    En cambio este año las tomateras, pimenteras, etc. está resistiendo bien y dando buena verdura, ya que sembré muy pronto; de hecho, llevo más de un mes recogiendo tomates, lechugas, pimientos, etc.
    Gracias por compartir imágenes de tu jardín, ya que son un deleite para la vista. Y a mi me entretiene mucho las labores del jardín, aunque hay que hacerlas por la tarde/noche que es cuando bajan un poco las temperaturas.
    Un abrazo, amiga.

    1. Manuel, que bueno que tus tomates y pimientos ya están maduros. Puedes comer verduras frescas. Mis tomates no serán pronto, ahora todavía están verdes.
      No puedo imaginar tales temperaturas +40 +45 C. Hace mucho calor para nosotros que vivimos en el norte. Por supuesto, puede trabajar en el jardín solo por la tarde o por la noche. Feliz julio.

  16. I see that despite the heat, the flowers in your garden look beautiful. Similarly, vegetables are so healthy and appetizing, but all this requires a lot of watering work when you can't count on rain. And to answer your question, in June I spent almost every free moment from work and home duties in the garden :-))
    Hugs and greetings!

    1. Anita, I know you spend a lot of time in your beautiful garden. I think these are the best moments we can have.

  17. Hi Nadezda,
    Your garden is fantastic!
    What beautiful roses.
    All the best and a nice weekend

    1. Maria, glad you like my garden. Hugs!

    2. Lindo jardin amiga, se ve lo cuidas bien. Mucho calr tambien por aquí. Siento lo de tus tomates, los nuestros ahora empiezan a dar frutos.
      Un abrazo.


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