Tuesday, January 9, 2024

January, 2024

 Happy New Year, fellow bloggers! May it bring you good luck, happiness and the fulfillment of your desires: new travels, new plants, beauty in the garden and everywhere around you.

  As always I went to the garden, to look at nature and how things were going in the garden. The days were not frosty, there was no wind and I had a good time on a January day. On the way to the garden, I noticed that the dark bare branches of the trees look graphic against the background of white snow. Some bushes were heavily snow-covered and their branches bent towards the ground.

In the garden, the paths had to be cleaned first; it was not convenient to walk in the snow. Not far from my garden I usually feed the birds. To do this, I brought pork lard from the city, with skin and without salt. Birds peck it with pleasure on frosty days.

Of course, I wanted to see how my plants overwinter in the greenhouse. But getting there was also not easy. The path and greenhouse were covered with snow and there was also snow on its roof.

I cleared all the snow and hardly opened the door - it was frozen to the threshold. It was warmer inside than outside, the plants had leaves, the buds had withered. This is a "Sea Foam" rose, it blooms with numerous white buds.


In January the days are longer but the sun is still low on the horizon. Soon I had to get ready to go home to the city. 

What are you doing in the garden in January? Is there snow or has it already melted?

My new video 'summer - 23'


  1. It looks like it's warmer at your place than here, Nadezda. It is wonderful to see from your greenhouse. We have 70 cm with snow and it's very cold outside. We have - 19 C right now. I long for spring!

    1. Marit, Our winter has taken pity on us a little, today it’s -2 C and a week ago it was - 24 C. It would be nice if this weather lasted longer.

  2. You have the winter we are missing, Nadezda. We may receive some snow to day, but until now it has been dismal, dreary and grey, with rain instead of snow. I want my winter back! Your looks great.

  3. Happy New Year Dear Nadezda ! ... we had a green Xmas here and it was only 2 days ago we got some snow .. very strange weather indeed ! I love seeing snow on trees and in the country ... so beautiful, reminds me of my childhood ... thank you !
    Take care .. covid is still around, I'm afraid I had it over the holidays. So be careful going back to the city !

    1. Dear Joy thank you for your kind words. I'm sorry you had covid it's terrible. Take care you too.

  4. Lindas fotos . Amo la nieve. Porque en mi pais no lo hace . Te mando un beso.

  5. you have a great blog
    Hugs from Miami

  6. Wow, so many snows. Enjoy this season with good health.

  7. Boa tarde e uma excelente quarta-feira minha querida amiga Nadezda. Nunca vi neve ou senti o frio, igual ao de vocês.

  8. Lo mismo te deseo para ti Nadezda. Se ve bonito el jardín con la nieve, por aquí es raro que nieve, estos días ha hecho frío, pero también sale el sol y calienta. Un abrazo.

  9. Hi Nadezda,
    I love seeing snowy landscapes, how beautiful your photos are. Snow has a very special charm even with all the inconveniences it can bring with it, such as the paths and the greenhouse being blocked and having to be cleaned.
    Your video is fantastic, it follows the landscapes you saw and your watercolors. You paint very well, you are a magnificent artist.
    I also wish you and your family an excellent Year 2024, full of everything good, especially health.
    Hugs and all the best

    1. Dear Maria, thank you for such kind words about my paintings. I love nature landscapes both in photographs and watercolors. And the snow makes me work with it to clean the garden.

  10. Mucha nieve tenéis por ahí. Te deseo lo mejor del este 2024 que nos ha llegado Nadezda. Que sea muy buenpara tí y tu familia. Me gusta la tercera foto, en ella se ve un pajarillo en las ramas desnudas
    Por aquí ahora no tenemos nada en el huerto, hace frío y n muchas heladas .En abril es cuando empezamos a prepararlo. Gracias. Seguimos.
    Buen fin de semana.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Laura, Que bueno que no tengas heladas Laura. Fotografié una teta cuando picoteaba manteca. ¡Feliz año nuevo para ti y para Paco!

  11. Have a beautiful winter here! amazing photos.
    I have some snow but no sun. It's gray and cloudy.
    Hugs and greetings.

    1. Lucja, it’s mostly cloudy here too. It's good that there was no frost these gays. Hugs.

  12. I love your beautiful snowy views. Wishing you a very Happy New Year with good health, happiness and gardens that thrive!

    1. Thank you for your wishes, Lee. Happy 2024 year to you too.

  13. Créeme que a personas como yo de tierras cálidas, nos impresionen estas imágenes, es más, pienso que jamás podría vivir en un lugar como este; por muy bonito que sea el paisaje, necesito ver el sol y sentir su calor en el día a día, además de pasear tranquilamente y de disfrutar de los amigos y familia en un parque, por la ciudad, o en una terraza tomando algún refrigerio o un helado, que es la única forma que me gusta ver la nieve de cerca.
    Entiendo también que ustedes disfrutéis de vuestro clima, y de esos bellos paisajes que la madre Naturaleza os regala.
    Un fuerte abrazo, amiga Nadezda.

    1. Manuel, sin duda es agradable vivir en un clima cálido donde el sol brilla todos los días. Aquí, en el frío invierno, no es posible sentarse en la terraza y tomar refrescos. Quiero tomar té o café caliente en una habitación cálida. Así que no creas que aquí todos están contentos con el clima frío. Pero cuando comienzan la primavera y el verano, disfrutamos del clima cálido.

  14. Hola Nadezda. Que bonitas fotos con la nieve, aquí aún cayó muy poca cantidad y solo en las montañas se ve blanco. Las fotos son preciosas. Me encanto el vídeo y las acuarelas son maravillosas. Un enorme abrazo.

    1. Me encanta que te gusten mis fotos y acuareles, Lola. Un beso, cuidate bien.

  15. I can see your beautiful photographs of your living área. All is very nice with this White snow all around. But sure It is so cold. Yesterday in Mallorca we had 12 C degrees. It is not so much cold for us. The next week the temperature will increase fortunately. The plants and flowers Will return early in spring in all around the places.
    Have a great starting in this New Year 2024, full of good things for you with all your lovely family.

    1. Claro que hacía frío ese día que hice las fotos, Vila. Te envidio que tengas tan buen tiempo +12 C y la temperatura subirá. Pronto todo florecerá en Mallorca. Un abrazo.

  16. For me, winter has its charm only when it is snowy!
    The garden looks beautiful covered in white. This is a time of rest for nature, so in our climate there is no question of working in the garden. Especially since the first half of January was quite frosty, now there is less frost, but the snow still persists.
    Warmest regards in this winter time!

    1. I agree Anita, winter has its one charm. I prefer a non-freezing winter :) Wish you a pleasant winter.

  17. Lindas fotos. Me gusto como ayudas a los pájaros. Cuídate del frio

    1. Hace frio aqui Citu. Gracias por tu comentario.


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