Saturday, July 20, 2024

Vegetables and Berries Grow

 In July the weather is gradable. Sometimes the sun shines all day and sometimes it’s cloudy and raining. Summer rain is warm. Vegetables and berries grow by leaps and bounds. 

 Juicy and sweet wild strawberries



Look at this horseradish. It blooms and its small white flowers are loved by bees and bumblebees. The horseradish has already grown long leaves. There are a few holes in them - the snails ate it. I collect the snails and throw them away. When I harvest the cucumbers, I will put the horseradish leaves in jars and make pickles. Horseradish leaves give cucumbers a slight spiciness. Some people collect horseradish roots, grind them and make a seasoning. I don’t know how and prefer to buy a jar of ready-made horseradish seasoning.

Sorrel grows here. It is a perennial plant and begins to turn green as soon as the snow melts. I collect sorrel leaves several times during the summer and make vegetable soup with sorrel. Yummy!


These are black beans. They grow quickly and bloom now. They have large pods and each of them contains 4-5 black beans. I use them as a side dish for meat.


These are red beans, very productive. There will have 6-10 pods on one bean bush. I collect the bean pods, dry them and take the beans out. In winter I stew or make a bean soup.


I sowed vegetable seeds in the greenhouse as soon as it became warm. Now I am harvesting juicy lettuce leaves, dill, parsley and coriander. Every day there is a green salad on the table.  


Dill and parsley


Now every day I watch how cucumbers and tomatoes grow. The tomatoes are still green, but growing quickly.


 Cucumbers are very tasty, juicy and slightly sweet.


Cucumbers, dill and parsley

I can't walk past a pea bed without picking a few pods. Peas are sweet and tasty. I want to freeze some of the peas and save them for the winter.


Sweet peppers are ripening

I hope for a good gooseberry and red currant harvest. The bushes are full of berries, they are sweet and sour.

Do you like fresh vegetables and berries? Do you grow any of these?


  1. The wild strawberries taste much better than ordernary strawberries. Your vegetables are looking great, Nadezda! In my last post on my blog I wrote about my vegetables in my greenhouse. I think it's so nice to harvest vegetables and eat them. I grow blueberries in my garden too.

    1. I agree, vegetables grown in your own garden taste better than those from the supermarket :) I’ll read your post.

  2. You have had a very productive year, Nasezda, and everything looks mouth-wateringly good. The strawberries here have been exceptional this year, juicy and delicious, the best I can remember in several years. Right now our local peaches are available and the cherries were excellent too. Enjoy all your produce.

    1. I see that Miriam and you David eat a lot of fruit. This is certainly useful. I also bought very ripe apricots, I love them, unfortunately they don’t grow in my climate.

  3. Our horseradish is a thug we have to treat it harshly to try and keep it under control.

    1. Oh, I see that you have a lot of work with horseradish, Sue. It's an invasive plant.

  4. Querida Nadezda me alegra saludarte de nuevo. Tienes un huerto espectacular, las verduras están preciosas. En mi huerta también tengo Grosellas, tomates, pimientos, perejil, pepinos, guisantes, lechugas, cebollas, judias verdes, patatas, calabacines, calabazas y poco más. Besos.

    1. Lola, me sorprende cómo consigues plantar y cuidar tantas verduras. ¡Gran trabajo! Cultivo hortalizas adecuadas a nuestro clima. Aquí las cebollas, las patatas y las calabazas no crecen bien. Un abrazo.

  5. Me encantó ver tu cosecha, hoy recogi unos tomates, este año no está nada bien el huerto. Besos.

    1. Qué lástima que este no sea un año productivo en tu huerto, Teresa. Por supuesto, tus tomates están deliciosos.

  6. You do so well growing such a wonderful variety of vegies, herbs etc., especially as you have a fairly short warm period! Seems like you will be busy preserving and pickling making tasty additions to the winter diet. As space is limited, in Spring and Summer I only grow beans, tomatoes, parsley, chives, mint and make green tomato pickles at the end of the season. Enjoy Summer! Very best wishes. Betty.

    1. Dear Betty, I'm always glad when you visit my blog! I've been making pickles in a lot of jars this summer. I prefer to freeze tomatoes, zucchini, and berries. Soon I will be collecting red beans and peas to dry for winter food.

  7. WOW Dein Gemüse und auch die leckeren Früchten schauen super aus, lda konntet Ihr ja schon reichlich ernten.
    Unsere Bohnen sind dieses Jahr problematisch, da bei dem vielen Regen jede Menge Schnecken unterwegs waren.

    Dafür können wir heute die ersten Tomaten probieren, sie stehen mit den Paprika im Kübel auf der Terrasse.

    Ich wünsche Dir weiterhin ein erfolgreiches Gartenjahr, liebe Nadezda.

    Sommerliche Grüße
    von Anke

    1. Anke, of course, your tomatoes and peppers are delicious, but mine are not yet ripe. I think they need 2 weeks to ripen.
      It's a pity that your beans are suffering from snails.

  8. Hello Nadezda. I’m blogging again am so pleased to see you again. I’ve always enjoyed your gardening blogs. Look forward to many more. Your veggies look scrumptious.

    1. Glad to have you on my blog, Patricia. I hope I will read your new posts.

  9. Bom dia, uma excelente segunda-feira e uma ótima semana minha querida amiga Nadezda. Frutas e legumes maravilhosos.

    1. Me alegro que te gustan mis frutas e legumes. Un abrazo.

  10. Dear Nadezda!
    Many years ago I ate forest strawberries. I remember their wonderful taste. I love bean soup, but I don't grow beans in my garden. I also use horseradish for cucumbers. I also use horseradish for red beets.
    Hugs and greetings.

    1. I agree, Lucja, wild strawberries are very tasty and juicy. I do not use beet, I would cook it in a marinate.

  11. Ricos frutos amiga. Veo tus tomates y están igual que los nuestro, esperamos que con el calor que nos está haciendo se pongan rojos. Me gustan las verduras.
    Buena semana.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Yo también estoy esperando a que los tomates se pongan rojos, Laura :) Los pido todos los días :) Te deseo una buena cosecha.

  12. Buena cosecha, amiga. Por aquí y debido a las altas temperaturas llevamos ya dos meses recogiendo tomates, pimientos, pepinos, etc. con el que hacemos el rico y refrescante gazpacho andaluz y el salmorejo. Y como he leído que los caracoles los tiráis, te comento que los de aquí son pequeños y blancos, se guisan y son muy apreciados de hecho en todos los bares y restaurantes de Sevilla y buena parte de Andalucía es raro que no te los ofrezcan en sus cartas.
    Un abrazo, y a disfrutar de tan ricos productos.

    1. Manuel, a mí también me gusta comer gazpacho, pero no sé cocinar ((. En cuanto a los caracoles, en tu país se comen caracoles uva grandes. Pero en el norte hay otros caracoles, no sirven para comida porque están infectados con parásitos.

  13. Such a good title of your post, Nadezda! Your vegetables and berries grow beautiful and healthy.
    This year we don't grow many vegetables but we have already picked lots of berries and mushrooms from the nearby forests.
    The horseradish seems an interesting plant. I didn't know it has such beautiful flowers. :)
    Have a happy weekend!

    1. Sara, I also love to pick wild berries and mushrooms in the forest. I think that wild berries, such as strawberries and blackberries, taste better than those from the farm. Happy summer.

  14. Wow! Your assortment of vegetables is amazing and all look so healthy and robust! The strawberries look delicious!

    1. Thank you Lee. I love fresh veggies from my garden.

  15. Hi Nadezda,
    So many and varied vegetables.
    I'm still on holidays in Macau in my daughter's house, whenever possible I will return your visits.
    Grettings from Maria

    1. I wish you many happy days with your daughter's family, Maria.

  16. Sono colpito dai tuoi pomodori! Sono veramente molto più grandi e avanti nella stagione rispetto ai miei! Io vedo molti fiori ma non ancora i pomodori! Dovrò pazientare ancora!

    Buona estate e buon appetito!

    1. Gabriel, these are early ripening tomatoes for our short summer. Our temperature is no more than 22 C and they still have enough warmth to ripen. This is the Marmande variety, I think it is known in Switzerland.


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