Saturday, August 3, 2024

Blue, Pink, Red, Yellow, White

 There are many different shades of color in July and August. Plants bloom non-stop. Some fade, others fill their place with their flowers. 

Look at this display of colorful plants .

This is how blue and light blue delphiniums and Austin rose bloom in my garden.   


 This little hydrangea was sick after winter. Now it pleases with large inflorescences.


Сream pink and white astilbes bloom in a shady corner.

Aquilegia is finishing blooming, but the spray roses will continue to bloom for a long time.
This summer's lilies are red, white and orange oriental and martagon.

Clematis do not lag behind the others, clematis climbing up the trellis.


 Nymphaea  in my garden pond.

This is my new gladiolus. I wrote that I put new gladiolus bulbs in “quarantine”. The bulbs are completely healthy and bloom beautifully.


These phlox have been growing and blooming for almost 20 years in the garden. They are called "grandmother's flowers."

Cornus alba Elegantissima also participates in this show. Simple flowers 'cosmos' look beautiful in a small flower bed.

Summer brings joy and tranquility, plants try to show themselves in all their glory.


  1. At this time of year blue flowers seem to have a special appeal. Chicory is everywhere and it brings me great joy.

    1. Chicory is a nice plant. I love more chicory drink that is seems like coffee.

  2. Que bellas flores. adoro tu jardín. Te mando un beso.

    1. Gracias, J.P., me alegra que te gustan mis flores.

  3. Tus flores están preciosas, me gustan todas. En mi jardín hace mucho calor y las flores se van secando. Besos.

    1. Qué lástima que tus flores estén sufriendo con el calor, Teresa. Aquí suele llover :(

  4. Tu jardín es un auténtico vergel de luz y colores.
    Se nota en sus plantas que las cuidas con mucho cariño y mimo.
    Un abrazo, amiga.

    1. Tienes razón Manuel, los cuido tanto como mi salud me lo permite. Besos.

  5. What a lovely rose. And I like the pink phlox too! :) Happy late summer!

    1. Tistou, I'm glad you are on my blog now. I know you have a nice collection of phlox. Happy summer days!

  6. Dear Nadezda, your garden is wonderful. Such lovely flowers!
    It would be impossible to choose the loveliest but perhaps the gorgeous lilies would be my favourites.
    Thank you for your interesting comment on my latest post.
    Have a happy weekend!

    1. You're welcome Sara. I always read you posts with interest. Hug!

  7. Nadezda, it's beautiful there!
    I was delighted with the blue delphiniums. Although I have planted perennial varieties several times, they grow for one year or two at the most. Then no trace of them remains...
    Your roses, lilies, astilbes, hydrangea, and my favorite phloxes are blooming charmingly!
    I was surprised by the beautiful water lily in your pond.
    Have a nice weekend!

    1. Anita, I love my water lily too. Every fall I have to replant it in a deeper place in the pond so that it survives the winter and the ice on the pond. I am glad that you like my garden.

  8. Hi Nadezda,
    Your garden is extraordinary, so much color and beauty. I loved all the flowers, how colorful and fantastic the lilies and the gladiolus are.
    Nature offers us a wonderful and delicate world of flowers.
    Greetings from Maria

    1. Dear Maria, I'm glad you liked my flowers. Hope you have had a nice time with your daughter family.


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