Monday, August 26, 2024

Granny's Flowers

 Many of us love fragrant flowers, and phlox is no exception. I recently learned that they are called "granny's flowers." Probably because phlox are grown in a village front garden, cottage garden, used in groups, arrays, flower beds, mixborders, parks since the time of our grandmothers.


 The flowers are fragrant, white, pink, red, lilac, scarlet, blue, carmine with an eye in the center.


The popularity of phlox is associated with unpretentiousness, frost resistance, as well as bright lush flowering, a unique aroma. Phlox can be used in landscape-style flower beds, in imitations of a flowering meadow, romantic compositions, in shady gardens, when decorating forest edges, in rock gardens, near ponds.



These unpretentious perennials bloom from July to the end of September, winter well and do not require constant care, like roses.

To tell the truth, I pay little attention to phlox. But they are not offended and bloom in various corners of my garden. I walk past, inhale their scent and think: it is already August and the phlox have bloomed.


  1. Our phlox is blooming profusely right now and the bees are loving it. So are we!

  2. Your phlox looks very nice, Nadezda. The colors are so beautiful. I have many of them in my garden too. Yesterday evening was chilly here, and the summer have changed to autumn. I'm not ready for the autumn yet.

    1. Marit, autumn comes without asking us if we are ready or not! It is getting colder and darker here.

  3. We have a few phlox too - they just keep on giving

  4. We have a few phlox too - they just keep on giving. Sorry for the repeat I don't know why it posted as anonymous the firsy tome

  5. Ihanaa ja runsasta syysleimujen kukintaa puutarhassasi. ❤️

  6. Lovely photos of your phloxes and your beautiful garden, Nadezda!
    Also for me, these flowers evoke memories from the childhood. I have some near the front door exactly because of the lovely smell.
    It's a misty August morning. The late summer has a very special atmosphere. Have a happy day!

    1. Sara, I agree phlox have special smell, I do love it. September is coming soon, hope it will be warm:)

  7. Bom dia. Uma excelente quarta-feira minha querida amiga Nadezda. Suas flores são lindas e maravilhosas. Obrigada pela visita e comentário.

    1. Gracias Luiz, siempre leo tu blog con interest.

  8. Me parecen unas flores preciosas, yo no tengo, pero no me importaría tenerlas. Besos.

  9. Phlox truly are a timeless delight in the garden! Their enduring charm and lovely scent make them a wonderful reminder of the seasons. It’s great to hear they’ve found their place in your garden, adding a touch of nostalgia and beauty. Enjoy their blooms while they last! Happy weekend. I just shared a new post, I invite you to check it out. Thank you.

    1. Melody, glad to hear you liked flowers in my garden. Thanks for stopping by. Hugs.

  10. They're beautiful!
    Have a great start to September.

  11. It seems that you have dedicated resources and time to your garden. May God continue to help you in that.

    1. Gracias Ali, espero que Dios no me deje y me ayude a trabajar en el jardín.

  12. Precioso está tu jardín amiga. A seguir oliendo esas bonitas y coloridas flores.
    Buen septiembre Nadezda.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Laura, gracias por tus amables palabras. Buena cosecha en septiembre.

  13. Nadezda, your phloxes are beautiful! For as long as I can remember, I have loved these flowers from "grandmother's" gardens.
    That's why they arouse my tender sentiment.
    Have nice and cheerful September days!

    1. Anita, I agree these September days are warm and nice. Phlox are flowering till now. Have a wonderful time this month.

  14. Por aquí es conocida como rosa de musgo, y es muy común verlas en arriates ya que forman como una alfombra de color, muy decorativa. Esta planta también tiene su leyenda por estas tierras y es por lo que muchas personas no la quieren, ya que dicen que huele a marihuana.
    Un abrazo, amiga.

    1. Qué nombre tan interesante para el phlox en tu país, Manuel. Aquí esta planta nos recuerda el inicio del curso escolar, el otoño. Un abrazo.


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