Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Autumn Works In the Garden

 It is always difficult to determine the exact time when it is necessary to cover tender plants for wintering. It happens that snow falls in early October and when I work in the garden, my hands get cold in gloves.  

And there are years when October is warm. On such days, previously covered plants may become wet from evaporation of the soil under the cover. And every year – “when to cover tender plants” is a big question.


Rose F.J. Grootendorst after a snowfall

In the middle of this October  there were several nights with temperatures of 0 C. Not all plants could withstand such cold weather. It snowed this week and I decided to cover my roses and clematis.

A David Austin rose under cover. I had to shorten its branches.

I installed a frame of metal arches and placed a plastic shelter on top. To prevent the wind and rain from tearing it down, I secured the shelter with stones and bricks.


A climbing rose 3 m long under cover.

Сlimbing roses tolerate frost and snow well, but they must be protected from rain to prevent mold on the branches. 

Other perennials, such as phlox, peonies, and irises, require pruning. It rained a lot this week. Autumn rains are very beneficial for rhododendrons and azaleas, which do not need shelter.

I will have to trim and tie Euonymus, Elaeagnus argentea, and spirea so that the snow does not break their branches.



Elaeagnus argentea

I covered young plants in the ground with fallen leaves.

There are a lot of juicy berries ripe on the chokeberry bush. They are left for birds wintering in our climate or flying to the southern regions. 


What a good harvest of apples this fall! This apple tree was pruned in height and width last year. And here is the result - juicy sweet apples in abundance.


As you can see, my to-do list turned out to be big. The rest of the flowers and bushes are waiting for my hands in other days. The plan is best carried out in good warm weather without rain.


It's always interesting to look at clouds. They float quickly, form rain or snow clouds, and in the evening I admire a beautiful crimson sunset.



What is the weather like in your place in October? What work do you have to do this season?

Take care.


  1. I'm sure that's very wise to cover your roses, Nadezda. I guess they have died if you did not protect them? It have been cold nights with frost here too, but not snow yet. Today the weather is cloudy and 5 + right now. I have been preparing for winter the last two weeks. I have carried all my camellias down to the basement, and carried my garden furniture inside my greenhouse. It's a lot of work in the springtime, but it's a lot of work in the autumn too! I just have to take it slowly, but I'll will be finished this week I hope. Hugs.

    1. Marit, it’s hard work covering plants in the fall and opening them in the spring. If I want to protect them, I do it. I know that you care about your plants too. I can imagine how difficult it would be to get them into the basement and out in the spring. All the best.

  2. The season for the gardener is coming to an end, Nadezda, although we haven’t had the first frost yet. Better get the seed catalogues out!

    1. Oh, yes David. I have though about the new catalogue. Hugs.

  3. It is so nice to see how you take care of your garden, beautiful photos.
    Here is sunny and 8 degrees. The weather is changing too often so I have constant headaches...every autumn the same but this is still my favorite season. :) All the best to you, bug hugs. :)) <3

    1. It's good weather in your place, OdnowionaJa. Wish your garden blooms all October. Happy autumn.

  4. Lindas fotos . En mi pais esta haciendo calor y frio. T e mando un beso

    1. Gracias J.P. Espero que tengas muy buenos días este otoño.

  5. Me gusta esta entrada. Que ricas manzanas tienes y el cielo está precioso en azul y atardeciendo.
    El huerto ya lo dejamos, este año fue malo y en invierno no sembramos nada por el frío. Por aquí han llegado las lluvias.
    Buena semana Nadezda.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Qué clima tan caprichoso tienes, Laura en Bejar. Nuestra primavera fue fría y nuestro otoño también es corto. Esta mañana nevaba, pero se derritió rápidamente. Es una pena que hayas terminado con el huerto, cuando hace frío no crece nada. Un beso.

  6. El mimo con que proteges tus plantas y las imágenes que capturas, forman un todo.
    Quien ama la naturaleza ama la vida, querida amiga.
    Feliz otoño

    1. Amo mis plantas y quiero que estén vivas y florecientes en la primavera. Por eso los protejo de las heladas, Ana. Un abrazo.

  7. Lots of rain here too and a long todo list. Fortunately we don't need to protct as many plants as you do. Roses and clematis overwinter just fine,

    1. Your climate is warmer than mine, Sue. I try to work in dry and not cold weather. Hugs.

  8. Hace frío y ha llovido bastante por aquí. Demasiado trabajo en el jardín, tengo que podar rosales y hay demasiado hierba que tengo que quitar. Abrazos.

    1. A mí tampoco me gusta trabajar bajo la lluvia, Teresa. Las manos están frías y mojadas. Deseo que termines tu trabajo en el jardín sin lluvia.

  9. Your roses will thank you for the care you give them! It got suddenly chilly here after a relatively mild fall and there are different predictions for this winter.

    1. I agree, Lee. The weather here is also unpredictable and I often pick and choose the day to cover my delicate plants. This time I could work in the garden without rain and cold.

  10. You really have a lot of work to do to protect plants in autumn and winter. Here where I live (Lisbon), as it doesn't snow, I believe that for those who have gardens it is much easier.
    Fantastic sunset!
    Hugs and all the best

    1. You're right, Maria. Those who live in other climate do not need to cover their plants for winter. Glad you liked sunset I have taken in the garden.

  11. Boa tarde de quinta-feira minha querida amiga Nadezda. Nossa primavera, parece outono.

    1. Thank you Luiz. All the best in your spring.

  12. Den genauen Zeitpunkt für den Winterschutz zu erwischen ist immer schwierig, da wir jetzt im Oktober verreist sind, musste ich schon einiges vorher erledigen und das war wohl auch gut so, auch wenn es noch nicht frostig bei uns war. Zur Zeit haben wir viel Regen in Hessen, da kann ich kaum was im Garten machen.

    Es ist sehr interessant zu sehen, was bei Dir alles für Arbeiten anstehen, liebe Nadezda.

    Alles Liebe
    wünscht Dir

    1. There is practically little work left for November, Anke. Trim the remaining bushes and possibly cover the roots of the rhododendrons. All the best.


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