Saturday, October 7, 2023

Walk In October

Quiet autumn days have arrived, when the weather changes throughout the day. In the morning it may be drizzling and at noon the wind blows the clouds, the sky turns blue and the sun peeks out here and there. I love to walk on such days, my mood improves and the sun's rays remind me of summer days. Of course, I don't walk far and rely on my capabilities. If I get tired, I sit on a bench or on a log, take photographs, and make sketches for watercolors.

In October there are no annoying mosquitoes and small flies as in July and August. Sometimes wasps and bumblebees arrive looking for a hole for the winter. They don't pay attention to people, they have their own worries. 

Birds are preparing to fly to warmer climes. Geese and ducks gather in flocks. Young birds try out their wings. It's nice to look at young birds. They don’t yet know that the road will be long. They shout joyfully and push each other. 

Small birds that winter with us are beginning to look for places to feed in winter. Three titmice flew onto the porch yesterday and were looking for food. I thought it was time to put food in the bird feeder for them. I need to replenish my supplies of grains and seeds.


When I got home my appetite was good. After lunch, I made a work plan to prepare the garden and house for winter. I'll tell you in the next post. 

It's all for now. Take care.


  1. Beautiful photos, Nadezda. The autumn is always very pretty. I love the colors and the falling leaves. We have no frost yet, but I guess it will come very soon. I have also started to feed the birds.
    Take care you too.

    1. Marit, autumn is coming, what should we do? The yellow leaves fall and bare branches remain until spring. I wish you a warm autumn.

  2. Beautiful photographs and a lovely narrative reflecting on the arrival of fall, Nadezda. I will not be glad to see the end of summer with its oppressive heat, which gets worse every year as we slowly incinerate the planet.

    1. It's been quite a cool late summer here, David. Therefore, I did not suffer from the heat :) On the other hand, the beginning of autumn turned out to be warm and dry. I'm glad you liked my story and photos. All the best.

  3. What a wonderful post, Nadezda! I too love both your photos and your words that describe so beautifully the arrival of autumn. You are lucky to have such beautiful views near you.
    We got the first snow last night. It looks pretty but many plants wouldn't be ready for winter yet.
    Happy Sunday!

    1. We also got our first wet snow and rain, Sara :) Winter said hello to us. I'm glad you liked the photos of the landscapes where I walked. Hugs.

  4. El paseo fue precioso y sacaste bonitas fotos. Gracias y besos.

    1. Me encanta que te gusten mis fotos de otono, Teresa. Un abrazo.

  5. Lovely photos, Ruby gets us out on those days wheb you would otherwise stay indoors.

    1. Sue, Ruby loves to walk in any weather. I love her, sweet dog.

  6. Beautiful images of your autumn, Nadezda!
    Have a good week! Hugs!

  7. Cualquier tipo de arte nos hace sentir mejor, por lo que tomar la cámara o hacer unos
    bocetos que acaben en un cuadro son una buena medicina.
    Un paisaje sereno abre la mente, Nadezda.

    1. Estoy de acuerdo, Ana. Gracias por visitar mi blog.

  8. Gracias por compartir con bellas imágenes y linda narrativa tus paseo; son unos parajes preciosos.
    Por aquí hay muchas ganas de que el tiempo empiece a refrescar, porque seguimos batiendo record de altas temperaturas, día tras día.
    Un saludo, Nadezda.

    1. Envíanos algunas de tus altas temperaturas, Manuel :) Aquí ya hace +5 C y está lloviendo. Me encanta que te guste mi blog.

  9. Hi Nadezda,
    The mild autumn days are truly inviting for a walk.
    What a beautiful walk you had, the photos are fantastic.
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Yes, it was quiet and nice walk, Maria. Weather is getting colder now, autumn is here. Hugs.

  10. Hola Nadezda. Preciosas tus palabras y espectaculares tus fotos. Feliz octubre. Abrazos

  11. Boa Noite de terça-feira. Obrigado pelo carinho e comentário minha querida amiga Nadezda. Nossa primavera está um pouco chuvosa.

    1. Gracias Louis, espero que tu primavera sea seca y cálida.

  12. Dear Nadezda!
    I am delighted with your photos. The first photo looks like a wonderful painting.

    1. I'm glad you liked my photos, the first one was taken from a mountain and I thought the forest looked like sea waves. And you’re right, dear Lucy - I painted this landscape!

  13. These photo captures are all so beautiful. Thank you for sharing them!

  14. Dear Nadezda!
    Beautiful autumn days encourage you to go for walks. Observations of nature, which is constantly changing at this time of year, are so valuable. Autumn in your photos has its own unique charm!
    Have a nice week!

    1. I agree, Anita, weather is very often changing this time, I don't believe forecast:) Glad you liked my photos. All the best!

  15. I hope you have a wonderful week.

    Please let me know what you think about my new post:


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