Friday, May 31, 2024


I read that some gardeners do not like growing gladioli. Some people don’t like the shape of the flower, others don’t want to dig up and store gladiolus bulbs in winter. 

I like gladiolus flowers, tall stems and bright colors. Every year I grow varieties of gladioli. I want to show you the flowers that I grew in the garden in 2022 and 2023.


 Of course there were some disappointments. Two years ago I bought large gladioli bulbs and planted them along with mine in the flowerbed. How upset I was when I saw that the new flowers were sick, their leaves turned yellow and the flowers grew small and quickly failed. In addition, they infected my old varieties. Now, to prevent this from happening, I did a “quarantine” for new gladioli bulbs.


 The new purple gladioli bulbs 'Anuk' seemed healthy, but I put them in a disinfectant solution before planting.

More pictures of my gladiolus :

This May I planted red, orange, yellow and white gladioli. Also a new purple variety. I hope they will be beautiful and healthy when they bloom.

If you grow gladioli, share your experience! Thank you.


  1. Liebe Nadezda,

    auch wenn ich die letzten Jahre keine Gladiolen im Garten hatte (mir fehlt leider der Platz), gefallen sie mir sehr gut.
    Deine Blüten sind eine Pracht, ich mag die Vielfalt der Farben.

    Herzliche Mai-Grüße und einen guten Start in den Juni
    wünscht Dir

  2. Your gladiolus are very beautiful, Nadezda. I have tried to grow them here, but they don't thrive in my garden.

    1. Gladiolus are capricious flowers, I agree Marit.

  3. I have never grown them, Nadezda, but it looks to me like it would be worth the effort. They are beautiful.

    1. You're very busy with bird watching, David. Love read your posts:)

  4. Nadezda, your gladioluses look gorgeous. My favourite is the yellow one, it looks happy like the sunshine.
    I haven't ever tried to grow them but I admire people that do. :)
    The new bulbs that carried a disease made me think of some of my purchases: after buying an aquilegia plant that finally I didn't even very much like, my previous, very vigorous, columbines started to have problems.

    Have a lovely June!

    1. Sarah, you may be right: the disease can spread to other plants in the same group. I only have two aquilegia, they are healthy.

  5. Boa tarde de sexta-feira. Aproveito para desejar um bom final de semana e um ótimo mês de junho minha querida amiga Nadezda.

  6. Los gladiolos me gustan mucho, el año pasado plante 5 variedades nuevas y salieron perfectamente, ya están de nuevo florecidos, pero este año no puedo estar pendiente de ellos, mi rodilla no me deja. Yo no los saco de la tierra y vuelven bien al año siguiente. Me gustan tus colores de gladiolos. Besos.

    1. Tienes suerte, Teresa, no es necesario sacar los gladiolos en otoño. Te deseo una rápida recuperación.

  7. Lindos gladiolos. Te mando un beso.

  8. Bom dia e um excelente sábado. Aproveito para desejar um mês de junho com muita paz e saúde minha querida amiga Nadezda.

  9. Se ven preciosos Nadezda. Amarillos los hemos tenido en el huerto. Hay años que las flores sin saber por qué enfernan, también nos ha pasado. Lo mejor es quitarlas y poner nuevas. Mucho años llevamos contándonos cosas. Gracias amiga por estar.
    Buen domingo.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Querida Laura, tienes razón, las plantas enferman y es mejor quitarlas. Vos deseo una buena cosecha.

  10. I've planted up a bed of gladioli on the allotment but most are small varieties that I think are called butterfly gladioli

    1. I have never grown butterfly gladioli, Sue. I have to try them on the beds.

  11. I admire your beautiful gladioli and wonderful photos.
    These unusual flowers also grow in my garden. I like them very much.
    Hugs and greetings.

    1. Lucja, of course, your gladioli are wonderful. Are they blooming now? Mine aren't there yet.

  12. Hi Nadezda, what beautiful and colorful gladiolus you have. They are such elegant and magnificent flowers.
    Have a wonderful month of June
    Greetings and all the best

    1. Glad you like these flowers, Maria. They are starting to bloom this week. Hugs!

  13. I didn't know gladiolus flowers are so colorful. Thanks for sharing.

    1. You're welcome, RTC. Gladiolus are beautiful.

  14. Esperemos que los recién plantados gladiolos florezcan tan bonitos y sanos, como los que nos muestras de temporadas anteriores.
    Gracias por compartir tan lindas y coloridas imágenes.
    Un abrazo, amiga, y a mi siempre se me dieron fatal la siembra de esta planta.

    1. También espero con ansias unas hermosas flores del nuevo gladiolo Manuel. Un abrazo, amigo.

  15. I've never grown gladioli before, but we once had a field nearby where you could cut some of the gladioli yourself and then pay for them. There were also many colors.
    They are beautiful flowers. If I had them in the garden, I wouldn't cut a single one off :-))
    I'm thrilled that you have such beautiful colors and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the purple flowers turn out beautifully too.
    Many greetings to you from Viola

    1. I really hope the purple gladioli are healthy and blooming well, Viola. You are lucky enough to have a bouquet of gladioli from the near field.


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