Sunday, June 16, 2024

June Blooming


First peonies 

 Allium and garden geranium

 First Rose


Spray Roses (wild roses)

Dicentra Bleeding heart

June is the middle of summer. It seems that all the plants in the garden want to show their best after the cold winter. This weather is very poorly tolerated by plants.

April was also cool. Some tulips and daffodils started blooming late. 

Finally there were hot days in May, +26 +28. It immediately became noticeable how the plants perked up, began to grow, new leaves and buds appeared. 

June! It's a holiday of color and warmth.



Garden geranium, Mahonia, Dicentra, Allium, Bellis, Lilac, Rhododendrons, Peonies, Roses  etc. - they decorated the garden with bright colors.


 White lilac

Мahonia aquifolia 

My rhododendrons overwintered well. Many of them already showed buds in March, which increased in size in May and bloomed in June. The azaleas bloomed first and then the rhododendrons.



I rejoice at my plants, they grow and bloom well. The garden brings tranquility to my life. What is in bloom in your garden now?

 my video 'Flowers in containers'



  1. Kaunista kukintaa. Minulla on myös samanvärinen kalla. Se on myös aloittamassa kukintaansa.

    1. I agree, Anemone, June blooming is beautiful.

  2. Our peonies are just about done for the year. We enjoyed them immensely, however, and even brought a few indoors to grace the dining room table.

    1. I suppose your climate is warmer than ours, David and your peonies are ahead of mines.

  3. Strangely some of your flowers are ahead of ours and others are behind. Our dahlias are just budding but the dicenra is well over.

    1. Sue, this May and June is unusual. Some flowers bloomed on the hot days of May, others only in June. About dahlias - I grow their roots in the spring, so they shoot out and produce leaves and flowers earlier than usual.

  4. Wow, Naedza! You have some beauties in your garden. Enjoy it for as long as possible. It has been quite cold here, but a few sunny days. Tonight's min.temp. is too be 0C. That's very cold here, for Winter. Take care and be happy. Hugs, Betty

    1. Dear Betty, I'm glad you remember me and my blog. And yes, I try to enjoy my garden, although the warm season is too short. I hope your winter is not too cold and you are in a warm house. Thank you for your attention.

  5. Flowers with bright colours and flowers with delicate, romantic colours and all so beautiful!
    Summer started early also here and many flowers, like lupins, are at their best now. First roses are starting to bloom, the peony buds are swelling. Becoming older, I feel that every year the beginning of summer is more beautiful than before. :)
    Happy summer days!

    1. I agree with your wise words, Sara. Summer becomes more and more anticipated and colorful every year.

  6. Your June garden is amazing Nadezda! It’s difficult to pick a favorite but I must say your Calla Lily and Peony are gorgeous!

    1. When I saw the shoots of calla lily roots in the spring, I was not sure that it would bloom as beautifully as I see now, Lee. This is a rather capricious plant. On the other hand, peonies tolerate cold winters and bloom well every June.

  7. Se ve precioso tu jardín Nadezda. En mi jardín están floreciendo los gladiolos, hortensias, rosas, magnolias, y algunas más. Abrazos.

    1. Teresa, tu jardín está por delante de mi jardín, el clima es diferente. Estoy segura que todas tus plantas son hermosas. Espero ver mis gladiolos y mis rosas pronto también.

  8. Boa tarde e uma excelente quarta-feira. Impossível não se apaixonar, por seu maravilhosas jardim, minha querida amiga Nadezda.

    1. Glad you liked my blooming garden in June, Luiz. Hugs. Happy Thursday.

  9. Que preciosidad amiga que gusto sentarse ahí. Está que es un placer para la vista. Gracias por compartir tus lindas flores
    Buen fin de semana.
    Un abrazo.

    1. De nada, Laura. Me alegra que hayas disfrutado de mi jardín en junio.


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