Wednesday, July 19, 2023

July In My Garden

We are in July. This is the second month of summer, which in Russia is called the “top of summer”. In general, nature develops according to its own rules and laws. In my garden, these laws of nature are fully respected.


Sometimes I wonder how plants survive despite the conditions we humans put them in. Last year apple tree was transplanted to another place, while its roots were damaged. Now I see small leaves on its branches, they show that the tree has taken new roots and lives on.

Two years ago, I decided to transplant the peonies to another sunny spot in the garden. They were sick for a long time and did not bloom, but now I was  glad to see white, pink and red peonies in June. 

Unlike overcoming plants, delphiniums spread their seeds in all directions of the garden. At the same time, the color of the new delphiniums is different. Why?

I am glad that the new varieties of roses can withstand heavy rain very well. Their heads do not droop under the weight of drops, the roses are cheerful.


The vegetables that were sown in May are already partially eaten, so I sowed new seeds of arugula and Berlin head lettuce. Cucumbers grow well, they cling to the ropes with their tendrils, and stretch upwards. Tomatoes are getting larger.

Apple and plum trees ripen on fruit trees. Black and red currants, raspberries are poured with juice. I love them very much to eat and also freeze them.

I wish you a happy and successful July.

My friends have birthdays in July, congratulations to you all!

My video: Wonderful Wesley Gardens, UK


  1. You have so many beautiful flowers in your garden, Nadezda. Yes, the new roses tolerates more rain. Still my roses looks very sad after a lot of rain lately.
    But that's the way it is in the summer. We can't control the weather.

    1. Oh, yes, Marit we can't control weather and I think it's not bad:))

  2. Your garden looks very beautiful, Nadezda. It's probably a good thing that we can't control the weather. We'd never agree on what we would like.

    1. You're right David. Thank you for your comment.

  3. My dear friend, look at your garden, look how magical place exists thanks you. Every flower matters, every. You have such a nice garden and you took such lovely pictures, bravo.
    My balcony garden is full of flowers but I have tree tomatoes...just three but still. :D They are still green but least I think they are growing. haha Lots of love sending to you. :*****

    1. I'm glad you're growing tomatoes, sure they will be juicy and delicious. Your balcony garden is wonderful!

  4. Tus flores están preciosas, tus rosas me encantan. Tus tomates y pepinos se ven bien. Abrazos.

    1. Gracias Teresa por tus palabras buenas. Un abrazo.

  5. Your garden looks like paradise, Nadezda! Such wonderful flowers, healthy plants, tasty vegetables and berries!
    Especially your roses look gorgeous.
    We have had some sunny days but several rainy days are expected in Eastern Finland now.
    Happy weekend! 🌺

    1. Sara, weather is good here as well but very windy. Therefore I need to water plants often. Glad you liked my roses.

  6. Dear Nadezda thank you so much for your encouraging words .. I can really use them right now. I never thought in a million years I would ever have to deal with a major broken bone especially caused by a nightmare. Life is strange.
    Your plants are gorgeous !!!! I have a weakness for white roses, plus that apricot coloured one as well .. so pretty !!!
    I feel so sorry for the earth and what man has done to it and keeps doing to it no matter the warnings .. women should take over and save us all !!! LOL
    Take care of yourself and enjoy your beautiful garden !!

    1. Dear Joy, I'm sure your humerus bone will be healthy soon, you just need time. Time, time...Life is wonderful. Take care!

  7. Boa tarde de sexta-feira-feira e bom final de semana. Gostaria de conhecer esse jardim lindo e maravilhoso.

    Luiz Gomes.

    1. Gracias Luiz, me encanta que te gusta mi jardin. Un abrazo.

  8. Your garden flowers look enjoying fine days.

  9. Quanti bei colori e profumi ci regala la natura.
    Buon inizio settimana.

  10. I guess your delphiniums cross pollinate. The same happens with aquilegias in our garden

  11. Your garden is fantastic, what a variety of beautiful and colorful flowers.
    I also really liked the video.
    All the best

    1. Thank you, Maria. Glad you liked my photos and video. Hugs.

  12. Precioso se ve tu jardín Nadezda. Bellísimas las rosas. Y esos tomates pronto maduraran y harás buenas ensaladas. A coner rico amiga.
    Te deseo un buen miércoles.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Me olvidé. Me encantó el video.
      Un abrazo.

    2. Los tomates han comenzado a madurar y se están poniendo rojos, Laura. Quiero probarlos pronto. Me alegro de que te haya gustado el vídeo. Recuerdo mi visita al jardín con placer.

  13. Надежда, Ваш сад роскошен. У меня расцвели двухцветные лилии. Они ярко-розовые с белым ободком. Сколько я высаживала семяна люпена, который тут веде растёт, у меня он так и вырастает. Калы отцвели и полегли. На знаю, надо ли их обрезать. В прошлом году, когда они размётывались во все стороны, я их удерживала бечёвками. Хотя уверена, что для этого есть приспособления в магазинах. Странно, что вишня в этом году без плодов. А так хорошо цвела. Зато виноград хорош.
    Дорогая надежда, хорошего Вам лета!

    1. У вас так много всего в саду, Лола! И виноград, и вишня, и лилии, и каллы. Кстати про каллы. В этом году не цвели, а в прошлом было много цветов. Наверно, вы их оставляете в земле зимой, а мне приходится в сентябре подвешивать их за листья в теплице, чтобы луковицы созрели и потом я их храню в прохладном месте. Возня, надо их выбросить. Лилии у вас красивые, у меня таких нет.

  14. Your photos from the July garden are wonderful. I admire your roses because I also love these wonderful flowers.
    Hugs and greetings :)

    1. I really love roses, but those that do not require special care, Lucja :) There are special varieties that are resistant to our climate, frost-hardy. Thank you.


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