Sunday, February 26, 2023

Evergreen Hardy Clematis

I really love growing clematis, their smell and beautiful flowering. Recently I learned about winter-hardy clematis. This was interesting because I cover my clematis for the winter. Sometimes especially when there is no snow, they freeze out.
Here are some tips I've learned from knowledgeable gardeners with extensive experience growing evergreen clematis.


These clematis are classified as either evergreen or semi-evergreen. Many of them have a pleasant smell, and they all prefer poor or drier soils that are not too wet.

While reading these gardening tips, I got to thinking: the soil is quite wet in my garden. Where can I choose a place for winter-hardy clematis?

Taylors Clematis: cirrhosa

Gardeners advise not to grow these clematis in strong winds or on heavy soil that is prone to water logging. They will not develop and possibly die. Evergreen clematis need shelter with a wall or a strong fence, the soil must be very well drained.

I thought that I would make a drainage for planting clematis, although it is laborious.

Evergreen clematis have a natural dormant period in mid-summer when they look "tired". In extreme heat, they can shed their leaves.


Since these clematis bloom in November-March, I doubt how frost-hardy they are. If I leave evergreen clematis uncovered for the winter, will they bloom?

Perhaps you have such evergreen clematis growing in your garden. Share your experience. I would like to know your advice. Thank you. from the internet

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  1. I have no experience with evergreen clematis, because my clitmate is too cold for them. I know someone who grow one of them in a greenhouse in Denmark, but they have a much warmer climate than here. I hope you can grow it in your garden, Nadezda. I love clematis very much. This winter have been very cold, but I hope my plants have survived.
    Warm hugs.

    1. Dear Marit, I agree, I don't think these evergreen clematis will survive our winter. Too cold for them. I could grow them in a greenhouse, but there is no room for clematis.

  2. The evergreen clematis sounds very interesting, but I can't imagine that they can survive sub-zero temperatures without protection.

    They are unsuitable for our area, you would have to protect them from the cold like other potted plants.

    And I strongly assume that it can also get very cold in your area.


    1. Dear Anke, you are absolutely right. If I buy them, I'm just wasting my money.

  3. Such an interesting post, dear Nadezda! I have never heard of clematis that bloom in November-March and they certainly wouldn't survive where I live.
    Thank you for your fun comment today. The Google translation of my post didn't seem to be completely accurate. I wrote about our firewood shed/shelter (that is not very picturesque). :)
    Happy Sunday! Stay well! <3

    1. Yes, it was interesting, and nursery owners do not say what temperature evergreen clematis can withstand.
      Sorry I didn't understand the translation, of course I love all your wonderful photos and text.

  4. I am amazed that there are winter-blooming Clematis. Unfortunately I know next to nothing about this plant, so I am unable to offer advice. Good luck with them, Nadezda.

  5. Hace unos años, sembré antes de la llegada de la primavera unas plantas trepadoras, que creo que son esta mismas de las que tu nos hablas, y recuerdo que me fueron mal porque fue un año muy tórrido donde se alcanzaron temperaturas en Verano entre 40º C. y 48º C. y se secaron nada más comenzar el verano tanto las Clemátides como plantas autóctonas que suelen aguantar bien dicha estación.
    Las tuyas se ven que están preciosas, y eso es, porque seguro que las cuidas con mucho cariño.
    Un abrazo, y gracias por tus útiles consejos.

    1. Un abrazo y gracias por los útiles consejos.
      Gracias por tu experiencia Manuel. Tenemos un clima templado y húmedo y no hay tanto calor en verano. Pero nuestro invierno es frío. Un abrazo.

  6. Hello there Nadezda ! I have not heard about this type of clematis but I know they would not survive blooming during that time here, far too cold. I do have a few types but actually had to get rid of few because they became "monsters" and took over too much. I'm trying climbing roses again ... I hope they work out this time .. do you have any advice with those ? Take care !

    1. I agree, Joy. I remember your blue clematis, is beautiful. I have a few climbing roses, they live well in my climate. I recommend you the Flammentanz rose.

  7. No conocía estas variedades, creo que el invierno no seria bueno para ellas, tal vez por mi zona de España, pero las heladas las mataria. Un abrazo.

    1. Estoy de acuerdo, Teresa. Nuestro invierno no les conviene.

  8. Lovely clematis, I love the one with white bells

  9. Boa tarde e um otimo domingo.
    Minha querida amiga Nadezda, eu não conhecia essa flor clematis, parece linda e perfumada.

    Luiz Gomes.

  10. Minulla on melko paljon Clematiksia, mutta ne eivät ilmaston takia kuki lainkaan täällä talvella.

    1. Yes, my clematis also rest in winter, they are not evergreen, Anemone.

  11. Dear Nadiezda!

    Your clematis are beautiful. I've never heard of winter varieties. I also have to cover them so they don't get cold. This white clematis is beautiful.
    Hugs and greetings.

    1. I close clematis for winter too, Lucja. I think these evergreen ones are not for my climate.

  12. Your clematis are beautiful, Nadezda! In my garden they do not thrive.
    Have a nice week!

  13. Beautiful flowers.
    Good luck with the evergreen clematis. I don't know her unfortunately, I don't think she would thrive in my garden... and think she needs winter protection from frost and snow...
    greetings to you.

    1. You're right Viola. These clematis need to be covered in winter. Thanks for stopping by!

  14. Надежда, раскошные цветы. Ещё и душистые. У нас уже пробиваются первые одуванчики. А у соседа громадное дерево с белыми камелиями. Они цветут аж в декабре. В это время они особо белые и прекрасные. Сейчас цветение продолжается. И с другой стороны расветает красная камелия. У меня в саду два куста. Но они в той, теневой части. Очень хилые. К моему большому расстройству, у меня там грибок, как я Вам уже писала. Недавно всё густо обработала. Надо будет повторить. В том же углу сада хилый куст рододендрона тёмно-фиолетового цвета. В прошлом году я тоже обрабатывала ту часть сада. Но всё равно в конце лета на листях клёна появиись тёмные пятна. Мне кажется, клён этот и заражает весь сад.
    На другой части сада я посадила топинамбур и тыкву. Всё так хорошо взошло и цвело. Я так радовалась. Пока одним утром всё не покрылось белым налётом. Это вроде бы "мучнистая роса". Я опять бросилась всё обрабатывать, но тщетно. Уж не знаю, пригласить ли в сад профессионального садовника, чтобы он вывел мне эту гадость.
    И клён я не имею право срубать. Мы не владельцы дома с садом.

    1. Как все сложно, Лола. В одном углу -грибок, в другом - мучнистая роса. Я даже не могу что то определенное советовать. Профессионал может все обработать фунгицидом, но если вы за органическое растениеводство, то это вам не подходит. Одно могу сказать по опыту - кажды год своя гадость в саду. Если раньше была тьма гусеениц и тли, то в следующий год могут быть паутинный клещ и вирусы. В прошлом году у меня болели рододендроны, а розы остались здоровыми.

  15. Hola Nadezda. Que bonitas Clematis.
    Yo esta primavera pasada puse alguno, pero con este duro invierno que tenemos no se si sobrevivirán, se ven muy secos. Conozco alguna que aguanta mucho frío, como la Alpina que puede aguantar muy bajas temperaturas, pero no conozco ninguna que florezca en invierno, las que conozco florecen de marzo a mayo. Besos y abrazos

    1. Tienes razón Lola. También dudo que tales clemátis sobrevivan a nuestro invierno. Me gusta la clemátis Alpina. Abrazos.

  16. Hi Nadezda,
    Clematis are such beautiful flowers.
    If I had a garden I would like to plant them, but as I live in an apartment I only have a few flowers that can be grown in pots.
    Hugs and all the best for you

    1. Maria, there are clematis that can grow in pots, or better in tubs. All the best.

  17. Que bonitos Nadezda. Y estupenda la información que dejas. No se si por aquí se darán, no conozco esta planta. De todas forman ahora con el frío que tenemos está todo seco. Esperemos que marzo nos venga mejor. Está siendo un invierno muy frío
    Buen jueves .
    Un abrazo.

    1. Lo siento, Laura, que el invierno sea tan frío en tu lugar. Seguro que en Bejar marzo será cálido. No estoy segura de que esta variedad de clemátis pueda sobrevivir a nuestro invierno.

  18. Bellas flores me gustan las ultimas. Te mando un beso.

  19. Good information. I have never heard of frost-hardy ones before.

    1. So haven't I, RTC. So I hoped they could grow in my garden.

  20. That is interesting. I know of a neglected garden which has a clematis growing very happily there. It's a kind of a woodland setting (woodland because wild saplings have grown up over the years). It is now getting encroached upon by brambles and I must remember to go along and cut the brambles to the ground. It would be such a shame if the beautiful clematis got smothered.

    1. Most likely, these clematis in an abandoned garden are evergreen. No one shelters them for the winter, there is no special care either. If you could take a photo, it would be interesting to see their flowers, Jenny.


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