Friday, August 18, 2023

Lilies In August

 Today I show you my lilies in August.


Lilies are valued for their flowers. I plant lily bulbs in containers and raised flower beds and they add color and fun to the garden. I learned that there are two main types of lilies: the Oriental lily and the Asiatic lily. Now I do not have Oriental lilies, they did not survive the winter. 

The Asiatic lilies have a greater variety of colors, including yellows, oranges, reds, and almost blacks, but they are not fragrant and smaller than the Oriental varieties. However, they do well in my garden soil and are extremely hardy so they are easier to grow.

Asiatic lily plants can survive winter temperatures as low as -35 degrees in regions as cold as Zone 4 and still regrow in the spring. They don't require pruning. As long as plants and stems are green, it's best to leave them on the plant and allow foliage to die back naturally in winter. 

I try to divide Asiatic lilies every two or three years to keep plants from crowding each other out. But sometimes I spoil the bulbs when I dig them up, and they grow slowly and do not bloom the next year. Asiatic lilies can bloom for up to one month, depending on the variety and conditions in your garden.

I have planted Martagon lilies.

They grow in dappled shade and they often self-seed and form a lovely colony under deciduous and coniferous trees. You see that they grow well and bloom near thujas.


I want to show you my beautiful water lily. Although it is not related to Asiatic and Martagon lilies, it is also called Water lily or Nymphaea. Its flowering in the garden pond is always a joy.



  1. Todella kauniita liljoja ja lumpeenkukkia.
    Mukavaa elokuun jatkoa.

    1. Ja hyvää elokuuta sinullekin puutarhassasi.

  2. All your lilies are very beautiful, Nadezda. I have one oriental lily who survives here every year, and it's name is 'Muscadet'. If you see it you must try it.

    1. Marit, I love oriental lilies as well. Thanks for your advice I'll try to purchase 'Muscadet' for my garden.

  3. There are many lilies here through the woodlands, in addition to water lilies, and we enjoy them all. Such a pleasure!

    1. I agree David. It's a pleasure to grow and see lilies.

  4. Estos lirios son un deleite para la vista, y me hacen sentir una sana envidia ya que por estas tierras es casi imposible verlos, ya que no soportan nuestro tórrido clima.
    Gracias por compartir, amiga Nadezda.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Lo siento, Maniel, que en tu clima no crezcan lirios. Son hermosos y, a menudo, son un símbolo de ciudades y países. Creo que puedes ver lirios en el supermercado.

  5. Dear Nadezda!
    Your lilies are beautiful. They have long since faded away from me.
    Hugs and greetings.
    Have a nice week.

    1. I see Lucja you have many lovely flowers and plants, so it's a pleasure to have blooming lilies in your garden. Hugs.

  6. Son preciosos. Yo también los tengo, pero aquí florecen en mayo y junio y son muy perfumados. Un abrazo.

    1. Me gustan los lirios perfumados como los tuyos, Teresa. Pero solo tengo una variedad que floreció en julio. Abrazos.

  7. We're trying to get a water lily going. At present it is tiny. We just hope that the fish leave it alone.

    1. I don't have fish in the pond, Sue. There are frogs and they like to sit on the leaves of the water lily.

  8. Tus lirios están preciosos y el nenufar también Nadezda. Tu jardín es una maravilla de colores y olores. Será un gusto estar en él.
    Buena semana.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Gracias, Laura. Si me da un gusto de ver mis plantas florecidas. Un abrazo.

  9. Your lilies are wonderful and your photos of them are lovely.
    I admire especially the gorgeous red one. Thank you also for the useful information!
    Big hugs!
    PS I also enjoyed reading your reply to Kruunuvuokko's comment. It's perfect Finnish. :)

    1. Glad you liked my lilies, Sara. Kiitos! "My perfect Finnish" thanks to Google :) :)

  10. Beautiful flowers🌸🌺🌻🌹🌷🌼💐

  11. Hi Nadezda,
    How colorful are your lilies, they are magnificent flowers.
    Delicate and beautiful is also your water lily.
    Your garden must be a wonderful space.
    Hugs and all the best

    1. I agree Maria, my garden is a site where I relax and also take care of the plants :) Hugs.

  12. Que flores tan divinas, parecen
    magicas, lindura de linduras.

    Besitos dulces


  13. Nadezda-your collection of lilies is so beautiful ! I especially love the vibrant color of the Martagon lilies and have a fondness of water lilies, as they remind me of a special botanical garden that I visit whenever I can. Thank you for the smile and tour of your garden!

    1. Lee, I love the water lily too, and the day it starts to bloom is a celebration. It is a pity that one flower lasts 3-4 days, then other buds appear on the surface of the water.

  14. Your lilies are so beautiful, I don't have any more in the garden, they don't thrive well here.

    1. Thank you Anke, maybe you will buy a lily that will grow well in your garden.

  15. Que bonitos Nadezda, me encantan los Lilium.
    Mi Nenúfar tiene 2 años y aunque creció bastante gracias a los consejos de Mario (metido en jardines) aún no dio ni una sola flor😥

    1. Sucede, Lola. Es posible que los lirios no florezcan porque el bulbo se divide y se forman “bebés”, cuando sean más grandes, el lirio florecerá.


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