Friday, March 8, 2024



I have two varieties of cannas growing in my garden. Canna is a very showy, powerful plant with lush leaves and beautiful brightly colored flowers. Canna leaves come in red with bronze hues and striped leaves. In my garden, the cannas begin to bloom in the greenhouse, then I plant them in large tubs. After frost, I move the canna tubs from the greenhouse to the pond. They usually bloom from July until frost.




For the winter, I remove the canna roots with a clod of earth. I keep them in a dry place, lightly layering them with earth or sand. The temperature during storage of canna roots is maintained within 10 -15 C. They need to be examined and watered a little.





Now in March I took out the canna roots from storage and there are small sprouts. I placed the bucket with sprouted cannas in a bright place. This is how I prepare them for flowering in the summer. 



Happy Women Day!


  1. Hi Nadezda,

    Canna is a beautiful flower. I have always thought they would be difficult to store in the winter. Hugs!

  2. Canna is very beautiful, Nadezda, and you have evidently had great success with them. Enjoy the rapidly approaching spring.

    1. David I'm waiting for spring but it's in no hurry here. Glad you liked canna.

  3. Oh my goodness, Nadezda, your canna looks spectacular! And it looks lovely near the pond. And your garden looks like a paradise. Thank you for the lovely photos, literally each more beautiful than the other!
    And a very happy women's day to you! <3

    1. Dear Sara I'm very glad you liked my garden and canna next to the pond. Now it's growing in a pot, in May will transfer it in the garden. Hugs!

  4. Dear Nadezda!
    Your flowers are a beautiful decoration of the garden. You have created a little paradise that gives you a lot of joy and satisfaction.
    Happy Women's Day.

    1. You're right Lucja. my garden is a place where I can enjoy nature and relax. Happy spring holiday to you too.

  5. Es preciosa Nadezda. Me gustan los dos colores. Las cigúeñas en Béjar están acostumbradas al frío. Buen día d ela mujer también para ti.
    Y buen Marzo.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Gracias Laura, me encanta ver cómo las cigüeñas regresan cada año a tu pueblo.

  6. Che brava! Ecco come fai ad avere una bella canna così grande! Una soddisfazione!!

    Buona festa della donna!

    1. Gracias Gabriel, canna crece bien en mi jardin.

  7. Ten un lindo día. es una bella flor y el estanque me ha enamorado. Te mando un beso.

    1. Me encanta que te guste mi jardin, J.P. Un abrazo.

  8. Se ven preciosas Nadezda, tengo alguna en mí jardín. Besos.

  9. They are beautiful, exotic and elegant flowers.
    Your garden is a little paradise 🌺😊

    1. Thank you Maria and I'm glad you liked my garden.

  10. Your cannas are beautiful and look so lovely by the pond. It's nice that you overwinter them and they come back beautifully each year. Happy almost spring to you!

    1. Yes, Lee the canna roots overwinter well in a cool place. Happy March to you too.

  11. Tus flores enamoran. Te mando un beso.

  12. Ahora, cuando termine de escribirte voy a mirar en internet, porque esta hermosa y bella planta me recuerdan a unas cañas de la India que sembré hace ya bastantes años, y que se perdieron todas por las altas temperaturas que se alcanzan en Verano por aquí.
    Gracias, amiga por tan lindas fotografías.
    Un abrazo, desde Sevilla, donde ya huele a azahar, preludio de la Primavera.

    1. Manuel, creo que canna viene de la India y China. El clima allí es cálido y húmedo. Planto canna más cerca del estanque para que haya más humedad. Feliz primavera.

  13. Liebe Nadezada,

    ich mag die Cannas sehr gerne und habe sie auch im Kübel, am Wochenende habe ich sie geteilt und in frische Erde gepflanzt.
    Überwintern tue ich sie im Topf bei uns im Keller (ganz abgeschnitten), nun sind sie schon einige Zeit im Freien.

    Deine Canna am Teich gefällt mir sehr, sie hat auch eine schöne Farbe.

    Blumige Grüße
    von Anke

    1. Dear Anke, I do the same to store canna roots. They overwinter well in a cool place.


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