Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Keukenhof Park

Before visiting this park, I read a lot about the amazing Keukenhof park in the Netherlands, which is open from mid-March to mid-May, that is, during the tulip bloom. Getting to the park is not difficult. By metro from Amsterdam and then by special bus, straight to the entrance to the park.


 From the first steps Keukenhof surprised me. More than 70 thousand bulbous plants were planted this year. The beautiful combinations of flowers, rhododendrons and trees are amazing. Tulips, daffodils, anemones, hyacinths, muscari, fritillaria (hazel grouse), etc. were rivers of flowers. Look at the combination of purple tulips and white daffodils.

The combination of tulips of different varieties is amazing. Many varieties of tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, and muscari are planted in flower arrangements.   

I liked the hyacinths in light and dark lilac on the main alley of Keukenhof Park. Yellow large daffodils completed the picture. Park designers show interesting ideas for combining different spring flowers. A river of blue muscari and yellow tulips is an amazing sight. 


I stopped near the pond to look at the swans. Pink and red tulips, white and yellow daffodils, and lilac hyacinths looked lovely. There are many small lakes, streams, and waterfalls in the park. Flowering plants look beautiful reflected in the water.  



The Netherlands is the main supplier of all bulbous plants in the world. Many visitors are eager to see the variety of spring flowers in Keukenhof Park. This park is famous not only for tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, but also for flowering trees and shrubs such as rhododendrons, apple trees, plums, and sakura. I hope you enjoyed this short excursion to Keukenhof Park, the Netherlands.  

Perhaps you have been there, what was your impression?

Here is my video about Keukenhof park: 



  1. Todo maravilloso Nadezda, mis vulvos casi todos vienen de allí. Abrazos y gracias por tan bonito reportaje.

    1. Me alegro que te ha gustado mi reportaje, Teresa. Te deseo buena primavera y hermosas plantas.

  2. It'a beautiful. I wonder how they manage to have everything flowering at the same time

    1. Sue, I saw the gardeners changing one group of failed tulips to another group. They do it fast!

  3. Beautiful photos, Nadezda. Keukenhof is just amazing in spring.

    1. You're right Marit. It's opened on Apri - May.

  4. Dear Nadezda! It must have been a great trip! Keukenhof park is famous not only in Europe. This is an absolutely unique place, because the huge number of bulb plants and fancy flower arrangements arouse delight. They look beautiful in your photos. I hope that one spring I will be able to visit Keukenhof park and walk its alleys among fabulous flowers :-))
    Best regards!

    1. I do hope as well, Anita you will be able to walk along the alleys of Keukenhof park. Hugs.

  5. Es un bello parque. me gustaría conocerlo. Te mando un beso.

    1. Si, J.P. este parque es fantastico, tambien gustaria visitarlo otra vez.

  6. Nadezda!
    Thank you very much. My memories came alive.
    I've been to Keukenhof twice. The gardens amazed me.
    Your photos and report are beautiful.
    Hugs and greetings:)

    1. Glad that you remember your visit there, Lucja. It's really an unforgettable park in the Netherlands.

  7. So much beauty. It must have been a wonderful visit, Nadezda, no doubt with many happy memories and more pictures than you have shown us.

    1. You're right David. I have a lot of photos, of flowers and blooming trees as plum, cherry, apple, sakura etc. I chose for this post the brightest ones.

  8. Thank you for the tour around this beautiful place. The abundance and combinations of spring bulbs in Keukenhof park is amazing!

    1. You are welcome, Lee. Your garden is beautiful as well.

  9. Un lujazo de post Nadezda. El lugar es una maravilla de ver tanta variedad y colorido. Ese tipo de jardines están muy cuidados y todo el día están revisando por si hay que reponer, lo hemos visto en uno que visitamos en Madrid. Gracias por compartir.
    Buen jueves y lo que queda de semana.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Sí, Laura, los jardineros trabajan todo el tiempo. Reemplazan las flores marchitas por otras nuevas.

  10. Boa tarde. Obrigado pela felicitação do meu aniversário. Aproveito para desejar um bom final de semana. Parque e jardim, maravilhoso, minha querida amiga Nadezda.

    1. Gracias, Luiz. De acuerdo, parque es fantastico.

  11. WOW !!! So nice to have such a beautiful garden close to you. So many bulbs in bloom - fantastic. Thanks so much for sharing the photos, Nadezda you helped to make my day.

    1. You're welcome. I'm glad, Jack that you liked this wonderful garden. Hope you had a nice day.

  12. It's an absolutely wonderful Park that I've also had the pleasure of visiting. Each flowerbed delights our eyes. It is a pleasure to walk each path and appreciate all that beauty. I loved everything.
    Fantastic photos and video.
    Greetings and all the best

    1. I'm glad that you liked my photos and videos, Maria. Of course, the visit there left many pleasant memories.

  13. Preciosas imágenes, los holandeses con los tulipanes son imbatibles. Gracias por mostrarnos este parque
    que desconocía.
    Tuve el placer de viajar un par de veces a ese país recorriéndolo en autocaravana, y su dominio del mundo floral a todos los niveles, particular en viviendas, en granjas, punteando las lindes de los sembrados, era impresionante. Un abrazo y felicidades.

    1. Tienes razón Ana, a los holandeses les encantan las flores y se ven flores por todas partes, incluso en las ventanas pequeñas.
      Me alegra que te hayan gustado mis fotos.

  14. Che spettacolo! Avrei sempre voluto vederlo ma sono felice che te lo sei goduto! E io mi godo le tue fotografie :D

    Un caro saluto!

    1. Spero che anche tu possa vedere questo spettacolo nel prossimo futuro, Gabriel. Un saluto!

  15. So beautiful.

  16. Lindas flores. Te mando un beso y te deseo una buena semana. .


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