Thursday, January 9, 2025

A Winter Walk

I invite you for a walk on a nice winter day. The frost was slight, there was no wind, the sky was clear and blue, the sun was shining but not warm. I dressed warmly, a jacket and winter boots, gloves on my hands. When I took pictures, I had to take them off, for a short time.


There was little snow, it was trampled on the paths by lovers of winter walks, mainly with dogs.

The low sun was a joy after the long and dark December days. Then the sun did not show itself for a long time. On the stems of the tall grass there remained last year's ears, they poured out their seeds and were left to dry in the frost.

The sun rose higher - it was the middle of the day, and the photos look graphic. The long shadows became a little shorter, everything was quiet and calm around.

I headed home, the sun was getting lower again, and the path became slippery. I had to walk carefully, because I could fall, which is absolutely impossible.
Thank you for being with me on a walk on a winter day. All the best to you.


  1. What beautiful impressions Nadezda, in winter every ray of sunshine is good for the soul, you must have enjoyed this walk very much.

    Winter Greetings
    from Anke

    1. Yes, I did Anke. It was a wonderful winter sunny day.

  2. Apesar do frio seco o sol sempre transmite uma certa alegria.
    Também gosto muito de caminhar na natureza.
    Abraço de amizade.
    Juvenal Nunes

    1. I love walking and watching nature, sun and frost, Juvenal. Thank you for stopping by.

  3. Oli kiva käydä virtuaalikävelyllä kanssasi.

    1. Olen iloinen, että pidit tästä kävelystä. Kiitos.

  4. Your pictures are very beautiful, Nadezda. The nature in your area is so pretty.

    1. I agree, Marit. The northern nature is lovely.

  5. Your pictures, and your attitude towards winter, are proof that you and I are both lucky to live in a northern country. I would be sad to live without winter. Great images to share with the world.

    1. David, I also love winter if it is frosty and snowy. Unfortunately, this year's winter has often thawed. Today the temperature is +2.

  6. Me alegro mucho de que hayas disfrutado de ese espléndido día, y gracias por compartir tan lindas imágenes del lugar.
    Que disfrutes, amiga Esperanza, de un feliz y próspero 2025.

    1. Manuel, las fotos fueron tomadas en un hermoso día de invierno, había una ligera helada y no había viento. Desafortunadamente, el clima ahora es +2 y la nieve se está derritiendo. ¡Que tengas un excelente año nuevo!

  7. That looks like a wonderfully calm and sunny walk, despite being in the middle of winter! Thank you for bringing us along, and a happy new year to you Nadezda!

    1. Thank you, Jenny, Hope you have had a wonderful holidays in Spain.

  8. Nadezda, you had a wonderful relaxing walk, from which you have beautiful photos of winter landscapes.
    I wish you a nice weekend.

  9. Nadezda, thank you for this walk.
    Wonderful photos, I almost felt like I was walking along these peaceful and beautiful paths.
    Greetings and all the best

    1. Glad you liked to walk with me on a sunny day, Maria. Hugs!

  10. Thank you for taking us for a winter walk. The field is filled with beauty of nature.

  11. Grazie della passeggiata! Semba proprio freddo con quel sentiero ghiacciato!

    Ti auguro una felice settimana!

  12. El paseo me ha encantado, pero sí que he sentido un poco de frío. Gracias por tus fotografías, me gustaron mucho. Un abrazo Nadezda.

    1. Me alegro que te hayan gustado mis fotos, Teresa. Transmiten sensaciones de frío y belleza de la naturaleza.

  13. Our winter walks were crunchy last week as our snow turned to ice. In places it was quite treacherous under foot/

    1. Take care, Sue. I don't like this weather as well.

  14. Beautiful pictures! A solid proof that Winter can be beautiful too! (But not always! he-he)

  15. Querida Nadezda me encanto acompañarte en tan estupendo paseo, es un lugar precioso.
    A mi me encantan los días nevados y con sol, todo es tan luminoso. Este año no tenemos apenas nieve y es triste. Besos


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