Monday, January 22, 2024

Winter Forest


Beautiful winter landscapes in the forest. 

My new video was filmed on one very cold January day.

Today is my birthday. Another year, the years fly by...



Take care, my friends. Thank you for your comments.


  1. Beautiful video of the winter landscape. I love snow, but this winter we have got too much of it, and it have been very cold here. Today the weather have changed, and it's raining today :(
    Happy birthday, Nadezda!

  2. Bel video, tantissimi auguri per il tuo compleanno ❤️👍
    Buon inizio settimana.

  3. I could equally name your video, “Winter in Northern Ontario,” Nadezda, and no detail would be out of place. Happy Birthday Snow Queen of the North!

  4. Lämpimät onnitteluni syntymäpäiväsi johdosta.

  5. *** HAPPY BIRTHDAY ***, dear Nadezda. I wish you all the best, lots of happiness and joy and good health.

    We've also had a lot of snow in the last few days, unfortunately also freezing rain, and it's been thawing since today.
    Your winter landscapes are so beautiful.


    1. Dear friends Marit, Giancarlo, David, Kruunuvuokko, Anke, thank you very much for your good wishes.
      I will try to be as happy and joyful as possible.

  6. Many Happy Returns of the day dear Nadezda! Thank you for this beautiful video. Very different from where I live! It looks so cold, but with a lovely blue sky and sunshine. With a big hug, from Betty.

    1. Dear Betty, I'm glad you visit my blog and thank you for your comment. Big hugs to you too.

  7. Espero que hayas tenido un genial cumpleaños. Te mando un beso y todo mi cariño.

  8. A wonderful video, dear Nadezda! We have much snow as well. :)
    Belated happy birthday wishes to you and thank you for your important comment!

  9. Your video really captures the season... so beautiful and tranquil. Also, belated Happy Birthday wishes to you for a wonderful year ahead!

  10. Love those snow capped trees (and the music.) Happy belated birthday (two days more and it is my B'day)

    1. Dear Citu, Sara, Lee, Haddock thank you for your kind wishes! Hugs.

  11. Bom dia e boa quinta-feira minha querida amiga Nadezda. Feliz aniversário, muita paz e saúde.

  12. Hi Nadezda,
    A fantastic video, through it I loved walking through these beautiful forest, the trees have a very special charm when they are like this, covered in snow.
    Although late, today I congratulate you on your birthday, I wishing you a world of joy, happiness and health.
    All the best my friend

  13. Fe🎉 Li 🎂 Ci 🥂 Da 🍾 De. день рождения Nadezda😘 Y a cumplir muchoa más, que eso es bueno.
    Precioso video.
    En Béjar nevó un poco el sábado , ya se fue toda.
    Te deseo buena noche.
    Un abrazo.

  14. Muchísimas felicidades, llegué un poquito tarde, espero que pasaras un bonito día.
    El vídeo es precioso, me encanta. Espero y deseo poder felicitarte el año que viene, que tengas mucha salud y amor. Abrazos.

  15. Happy belated birthday! It's great fun to walk through the forest in silence. You can hear the sound of your footsteps.

    1. Dear friends Luiz, Maria, Laura, Teresa, Roughterrain crane I thank you very much for kind words. It was great my birthday.

  16. Belated Happy Birthday - lovely video

  17. Ciao! Vedo moltissima neve li! Qui per ora non ha mai nevicato.

    Ti auguro davvero tanti auguri di buon compleanno!!

  18. La neve quest'anno qui non si è mai vista! Da te ce n'è moltissima!

  19. Hi Nadezda,
    I loved the video.
    I'm having trouble commenting with my Google account.
    Have a good start to the month of February.

  20. ¡Hola Nadezda!
    Te deseo un buen fin de semana, lleno de alegría y descanso. Que lo disfrutes mucho.
    ¡Un abrazo! Blues Hendrix 😊

    1. Gabriel, Janicce, Hendrix thank you for your kind comments. Hugs.

  21. Estimada amiga, aunque un poco tarde espero que hayas disfrutado de un feliz cumpleaños, y que cumplas muchos más...
    El para mi escalofriante vídeo, me ha encantado.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Gracias, Manuel. Me gusta que mi video te ha encantado .

  22. Поздравляю с днем ​​рождения, а еще больше за отличные фотографии. Надеюсь и дальше приходить сюда чаще.
    Я приглашаю вас посетить мой блог и прочитать историю СОБСТВЕННОСТЬ, которую я там опубликовал. Я знаю, что оно вам понравится, потому что оно каким-то образом связано с Россией, на самом деле оно взято из моего сборника рассказов «БАЛАЛАЙКА».
    Оно написано по-испански, но я надеюсь, что вы сможете прочитать его по-русски... хотя я не знаю, работает ли у вас Google Translate в Санкт-Петербурге.
    В остальном очень теплый привет из Бразилии.

    1. Спасибо, Али. Я уже прочитала рассказ Собственность. Мне понравился этот рассказ. Еще раз спасибо за поздравление, рада что вам нравятся мои фотографии.


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