Sunday, February 9, 2025

It's Already February

 It's already February! How I wish spring would come faster, for the snow to melt and fresh spring grass to appear. Of course, the leaves on the trees will appear much later, when the soil warms up. Then the birds will fly in, delight us with their chirping, and start looking for dry sticks and grass for their nests. 

While in February, my garden is visited by birds that winter with us.


Our winter is long and I'm already tired of its cold, of winter clothes and shoes. Recently there was a snowstorm with a strong wind. In the afternoon, when I decided to take a walk, the sun came out. I turned my face to the sun and felt the warmth of its rays.

Houseplants also feel the approach of spring. My orchid was the first to start blooming. Planting in a tub, calla bulbs are also sprouting actively.

My relative took a photo of his winter ice fishing. You can see that he set up 4 fishing rods and is waiting to catch fish. Below in the photo the caught fish "smelt" is already in my kitchen. I fried it.

Such a snowy, sunny February, no longer frosty. I'm waiting for spring!

All the best!


  1. Yes, winter is marching onwards, Nadezda. I am looking forward to not having to get dressed to go outside!

  2. Quanta neve! Però le giornate almeno si allungano e febbraio è piuttosto corto.

    La primavera arriverà in fretta.

    Ti uguro una buona domenica!

  3. Fortunatamente è un mese corto, la primavera è quasi alle porte!

    Buona settimana!

  4. Ya falta menos para la primavera querida Nadezda. Me encantaría poder pescar ahí. Besos.

  5. Si Nadezda. Y ya a mediados tambíen. El tiempo vuela amiga. Muy lindo el pajarito. Que buena pesca hizo tu pariente.
    Por aquí este año, solo algo de nieve en la sierra, si hemos tenido mucho frío.
    Buen jueves .
    Un abrazo.

  6. The colour of your orchid is lovely

    1. Dear friends, I can't read or write in your blogs yet. I'm sick. But I promise that as soon as I get better, I'll definitely visit your blogs. :))

  7. We got another 10 cm of fresh snow these days, it looks beautiful outside, especially because the sun is shining and making the snow sparkle.
    We don't have much snow here in the winter, so it makes me happy.
    But if you have a long winter, I can imagine how you long for spring.
    Ice fishing looks exciting - I think it would be too cold for me to do that... certainly it takes patience, as well as practice. It looks like a very good catch, doesn't it!
    You now have a lot to do in the kitchen. Do you freeze some fish?
    All good wishes for you. See you next time.
    ...I just read that you are sick - I'm sorry and I wish you a speedy recovery. All love.

  8. Querida Nadezda pronto llegará la primavera y con ella el sol y el color al jardín, esto seguro hará que te mejores y te dará animo.
    Preciosas fotos. Besos.

  9. Se me olvido, la pesca excelente, seguro que estaban muy sabrosos. Besos

  10. Hi Nadezda,
    Wow! It must be really cold!
    In Brazil it's cold but there's not much snow.
    Here we're facing dangerous heat at the moment.
    I loved the pictures.
    Have a great week ahead.

    1. I'm getting a little better and hope that I'll be able to read your posts and comment soon. Thank you!

  11. Hi Nadezda,
    Wonderful photos ❤️ I especially loved the photos of the birds.
    A happy month of March.
    Hugs and all yhe best


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